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Up and Comer

Squat 5-5-5-5-5

In Teams of 3, take turns on the AirDyne 1 Minute each for 4 total rounds.

If no team,
3 Rounds:
1 Min Max AirDyne
2 Min Rest

Yesterday I worked with Sheena on muscle up progressions for about 15 minutes and then decided to let her give it a go. First attempt I gave her a spot, just a little tap on the back really, and she was up. I knew she would have gotten it without the spot so I stepped back and told her to go again. Boom! Unassisted muscle up on the first try. She proceeded to do about 5 more singles, one of which was full range of motion with full arm extension. This video was a shot a few minutes later when she hit her first muscle during a WOD. Very few people have tools required to make this type of progress this quickly. Look out East Sac, we may have a new firebreather in the making here.

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