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When Emotions Run Wild

Push Press 5-5-3-3-1-1-1

AMRAP 4 min,
15-12-9 of:
Thruster 75/53
Pull Up

If you finish under 4 minutes, repeat again and again.

imageIt was a tough two days for our masters athletes, Cori and Harlan. The underlying theme for these guys this year was anxiety. Although Harlan was playing it cool, neither him or Cori slept the night before the competition started. You know if you are so stressed you can’t sleep, you nervous system is a mess, and digestion does not happen as usual, hence diarrhea and upset stomachs. Going out to perform at your best can be completely screwed if one cannot keep their emotions under control, and that is exactly what we saw from both of our athletes. They trained hard, they dedicated a ton of time and energy to get here, and when it came time to compete they forgot that this is really a fun sport and that the reason to compete is for enjoyment and self-betterment.

With both athletes falling flat from lack of sleep and stress on day 1, it was very difficult to rally and come back with positive mind sets on day two, but they both did a great job and had a very strong finish on the 21-15-9 deadlift/box jump WOD. Regardless of their overall placings, we are very proud of these guys. Making it to the top 20 in the world is a huge accomplishment and shows that they are both truly talented athletes. I for one hope that these guys will look back and reflect on how to make the sport fun again and learn to go into a competition feeling relaxed and excited vs anxious and nervous. It’s a good lesson for all of us to remember to keep our self-talk positive and really to do whatever it takes to enter challenging situations in good spirits.

Harlan and Cori, we love you guys and are very proud of your accomplishments. Keep your heads high and keep on training. When the outcome isn’t quite what we hoped for, remember that in the process of training, the journey is of greater significance than than the outcome.

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