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Drill it to Kill it!

Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

AMRAP 7 Minutes:
3, 6, 9… Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
3, 6, 9… Toes to Bar

Remember, that the dumbell snatch is a derivative of the barbell equivalent Olympic lifts.  The habits that you practice here, whether good or bad, are going to transfer over to your barbell movements.

The DB snatch is a great place to work on the core to extremity aspect of your technique.  The hips extend violently, followed by the shoulder shrugging and last the arm can pull the dumbell up after it has been fully accelerated by the stronger parts of the kinetic chain.  When the arm bends early, the amount of acceleration produced on the DB will be only as high as your arm muscles can handle.  You will also be teaching your body to pull on the barbell early next time you get a chance to snatch the bar.

It is important to slow down a little and get it right.  If you know it’s not right, if you don’t know a coach will tell you, you need to do drills to fix it.  The amount of drills we have time to do in here is not enough time for most of you to become proficient.  Find the time to practice and visualize proper movement outside of class time.  One of the biggest differences between the average Joe’s around here and the fire breathers is the ability to perform movements with efficiency.  Inefficient moments waste tons of energy and cannot be repeated at the same rate as efficient movements.  If you want to get good at CF, stop trying to go fast and try to move better.  The best movers in the gym have spent significantly more time practicing their movements and learning about technique than that of which goes on in the box.  Once you master better movement, you will automatically go faster and you will open the door to a much higher work capacity.

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