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Good Luck on 14.4

For Time:
400m Run
21 Thruster 75/45
21 KB Swing 44/26
400m Run
15 Thruster 75/45
15 KB Swing 44/26
400m Run
9 Thruster 75/45
9 KB Swing 44/26

IMG_5063After driving through the night with a van full of sausage and arriving in Vegas at 6am yesterday morning, I managed to stay completely sober through the day until the open announcement.

Blair and I headed to CrossFit Max Effort, owned by games competitor Zach Forrest and just a few away from the strip to watch the games live show and do the workout.  How awesome that they actually did a chipper for the first time in open history?

So here’s my take.  Warm up enough to shake off the cob webs from training earlier in the week and mobilize positions that are difficult for you such as overhead mobility for T2Bs, ankles and hips for wall balls, posterior hams and hips for power cleans.  The first bout of rowing will have you plenty warm for the rest of the chipper.

Rowing – This one tricked me up a little.  Rowing for calories is a bit different than for meters.  Your effort gets rewarded much more when rowing for calories in terms of being able to finish faster (going to skip a long explanation of why that is)  However, this is still a rowing buy in and you do not want to shoot your load on the row (which I did a little)

Row at a comfortable pace that is just above a warmup pace, but not a rowing racing pace.  This is a classic chipper and every exercise gets harder as your body breaks down from previous exercise, so pacing is really important.

Toes to bar – Even a toes to bar master should break these up pretty early.  If you are just learning toes to bar, this is going to be the workout for you.  Make sure you are comfortable with your set up as far as bar height and any boxes/plates needed to hep you mount the bar just right.  Many people who are newer will struggle to finish 50 toes to bar, so every rep will be important if you are at that level.  If you have 20+ toes to bar, I suggest going 8-10 reps per set throughout the 50 reps.

Wall ball – If you get here, this part of the workout isn’t too bad, but you can set yourself up to fail if you don’t keep pacing yourself.  For my wall ball bad asses, try going 10-10-10-10 even if it feels easy, because the next exercise is where I believe this workout is won or lost.  If you are racing the clock to finish wall balls, then be a hero on this part and go hard!

Power cleans – This part will seperate a large % of the field.  If you are an athelte capable of hitting muscle ups, you will want to arrive at power cleans comfortable and then smash them.  I unfortunately arrived at power cleans having smashed myself and thinking the cleans would be pretty easy.  Not the case as your body has been through much of the chipper process by now.  Even if you won’t get a muscle up, you need to finish these strong to get a good tie break score.

Keep the bar close and do singles.  If you’re feeling good, you might be able to pull some touch and go reps for sets of 3, but I would not try to tap and go big sets here as you will run out of gas.

Muscle ups – What!?!?!?  You made it here.  Good luck to you now.  These muscle ups will not feel like the ones you did in your warm up.  You’re going to be gassed out pretty bad.  One at a time, maybe two.  Be sure to set your ring height up exactly how you like.  Employ good gymnastic positions and time that kip just right.  Also watch the clock and be aware as time runs near so you can get that last rep just in time and without failing form pushing too hard.

Good luck everyone.  This post is probably full of typos, but I am in Vegas and running on only a few brain cells right now.  Not going to proof this, off to the pool to get some sun and see if I can win some more money on upsets and blow outs.

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