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3, 2, 1, Slow!

Rest Day

Picture 4
Well, the trip to Stockton kinda fell through yesterday.  Morning classes ran late, a bunch of you needed to stay in town, and the few who were ready to head out, got pulled by the rest of the herd to stay home.  A few still made the trip to 209, and I am looking forward to hearing how you did.

Also, shout out to Ingrid Kantola who was in town for the WOD this week.  Always great to see you and fun to watch such a great athlete.

WOD 5 Recap:
Well there isn't much interesting or fun to talk about on this WOD, it felt like it lasted for an eternity.  For most of us, it was a mentally defeating workout from the first few minutes all the way on through.  The athletes who were more skilled at toes to bar ended up with the highest scores, but conditioning and mental toughness were major factors as well.  

After finishing 2 or 3 rounds, competitors started feeling sluggish and still had about 15 minutes to grind out.  The cleans were light and with only 5 reps per round, they were a relatively negligible part of the WOD.  Explosiveness and coordination was the key to toes to bars, and if you were dialed on T2B's, they were just the thing before wall ball.  Wall ball was where the output on this WOD took place.  If your score was in the 10 round range, you essentially performed the Karen WOD in the middle of cleans and T2B's.  Pacing was once again key to a good score.  Getting all fired up and sprinting the first few rounds only left you out of gas with a long ways to go. 

It is rare in our programming to go into the 20 minute time domain.  We don't feel that going 20 minutes is a great way to increase fitness, but maybe we need to mentally abuse ourselves a bit more in order to feel better about our 20 minute performances.  Even though I get the feeling nobody was too stoked on this one, it certainly brought another dimension to the overall competition and showed us what we might need to work harder on.  Good job by CFHQ for throwing this one in.

On another note, this competition is really starting to drag on.  Most everyone I have talked to is feeling drained by the past 5 weeks of competing and attempting to balance their training.  We have one more week to go on, and a WOD that we all should do very well at.  Rest up today, realize that this thing is almost over, and keep your head in the game.  Many competitors are wearing thin, and week 6 is a great time to stay strong and move yourselves up in the ranking.  One more week to go, stay fired up.  You can do it, and you can do it well.  Finish STRONG!

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