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Covert Pulls Up

5 Rounds:
5 Rep Max Front Squat
Max Set Pull Ups

*No timer, alternate between front squats and pull ups.  Try to find your 5 rep max on front squats.  Grab one of us to film your pull ups before you go for that huge set.  We want to get some pull up PR's on film and give you a little extra motivation to shake up that pull up leader board.


Lauren Covert is knocking out pull ups like a champ.  Lauren got her first unassisted pull up 2 weeks ago, and is now up to seven.  She has a very well developed kip and a great deal of determination.  Look for Lauren to be hitting large sets of pull ups with the best of them very soon.

If you are having trouble with your kip, or if it just needs some refinement, watch the following videos of Annie teaching the pull up at a Level 1 cert at CrossFit North Santa Cruz.  Videos compliments of

Kipping Pullups, Step 1…[wmv][mov]Kipping Pullups, Step 2…[wmv][mov]Kipping Pullups, Step 3…[wmv][mov]Kipping Pullups, Step 4…[wmv][mov]

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