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The Larsen-Wang Excursion (Nothing to do with Larsen’s Wang)

ropeFor Time:
A) 1 Mile Run

B) 5 Rounds:
15 AbMat Situp
2/1 Rope Climb

C) 1 Mile Run







stairsFrom Derek:
Here are some photos from the Larsen-Wang expedition to the Mayan ruins at Coba on the Yucatan Peninsula.  We wanted to get a CrossFit style workout in so we started with a few rope slams, then we did a pyramid handstand walk, followed by inverted pyramid pushups, and finally toes to bar until liver failure.  Turns out in the Mayan culture you show respect to the Gods by sacrificing the best as most valuable items.  The winner and most valuable payers in  Mayan sporting events was sacrificed to the Gods to show respect.  Needless to say Calvin won’t be joining us anymore for morning workouts.

Of course Calvin’s son decided to hike to the top of the pyramid twice, what a show off, like father like son.

Calvin added the following:
I won’t even try to compete with Derek on funny.  But we all know that half of what he says cannot be believed — the Wang PR for inverted pyramid pushups doesn’t come close to matching the Larsen skills at a bar.

Tell AO that we see his burpee box jump and raise him a burpee pyramid jump.  Unfortunately our 1 rep for time exceeded the memory on the camcorder.258A9912 - Version 2

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