- Acknowledge weaknesses; lean-in to strengths
- Pursue habits. The goals will find themselves.
- Align #1 and #2 with your essential nature. (Know thyself)
I wanted so much to turn my 3 principles into a South Park/Underpants Gnomes joke, but I failed. So, I’ll add a fourth principle: Laugh. Every. F#@kin’. Day. (shout out to MJ who is my inspiration in this and so many other ways!)
Since that first meet, I have completed 4 more (2 with the invaluable support of Aimee M), lost ten pounds to go down a weight class, and climbed up the rankings on openpowerlifting.com (current stats: Sq. 231#, Bench 143.5#, DL 330# TOTAL 704#). In the midst of this I became the advisor to the newly created Iron Cougars Powerlifting Club at John F. Kennedy High School. Later this year I will compete at the IPL International Championships in Eugene, Oregon.