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Keeping the ball Rolling

Clean And Jerk
For Time:
50 Pull Ups
50 Push Ups
50 Sit-Ups
50 Squats

I mean seriously? Seems like crossfit goes through runs of BABIES or WEDDINGS… Today we reveal the front side of Loren's dress along with a few other pics.  As for Babies… stay tuned. I do have an announcement regarding that too!  So no serious dialogue today, just a little forshadow for tomorrows post.
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Travis is competing with Loren here for best looking…
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Justin… Need I say more

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Did I mention… BROOKE'S BACK!!! Sorry Brady! (We wish) But to let you all know, they are doing well and it was great to see them.

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  1. It looks like Brooke is about to smash the hell out of that wine glass!
    Miss ya!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful!

  3. Great pics! I think Justin makes a lovely couple.
    Anyway congrats to all.

  4. Shem Stygar

    Can we keep Brooke?

  5. Jamie P

    Following Lene’s directive of no serious dialogue today, I’d like to share a little story from FGB6…..
    Matt is toiling away on high pulls during his 3rd round. I’ve seen him roll off the rower and crawl to the wall ball station twice–it made me a little nervous. In walks our eldest, Emma, carrying 2 red party cups. She is actively drinking out of one of them. She walks over to me, hands me the other red party cup. She says, “this is for dad when he is done.” I look down and see that it is a cup of beer. I said, “who gave you the beer?” Emma’s reply: “no one, I got it myself at the keg by pumping it.” Awesome.
    I look in her cup to make sure she didn’t get one for herself, and she says, “don’t worry mom, this is just water. I don’t drink beer.” After swallowing the laughter, I told her it was nice of her to think of her dad, but she didn’t need to get anyone beer…..

  6. Jamie P

    Oh. And I’m DYING to hear the baby news…..
    I’m just happy it’s not me!!!

  7. Bryan Turner

    Who did Harlan get pregnant?

  8. Jamie: not me either. Anyway that’s a great story — Emma is a great little kid!

  9. I need to think of a wedding gift for Justin and Loren. Ah, now let’s see, what to get?

  10. Turner – comment of the week. Nicely done.
    I happened to share a hotel room with Har-Kar this weekend @ Tough Mudder. Although we slept in separate beds, it might be time for a pregnancy test anyways…

  11. Leah

    Jamie-amazing story. Loren-you’re gorgeous! And Brooke-miss you and your back is ridiculous! Love it!

  12. harlan

    Well, I guess its possible that I impregnated the mountain @ Sqauw near mile marker 10. I mean I was face down, wriggling, squirming and yelling from leg cramps…

  13. Jamie, At many of the CF throwdowns, Parties, etc I have seen Kaleo pumping the keg and serving the beer. So, i see our kids have a future.

  14. Face down, ass up.. that was definitely the theme of the day @ TM.
    That and half naked dudes having seizures on the mountain. True story.

  15. Eileen

    Jamie, great story! Bryan, that’s very funny! And, because it was late when I saw it last night, Pete, your comment had me in tears from laughter.

  16. Edgar

    I may not have been half naked but I was one of those rolling around on the ground with what appeared to be seizures. Like others on that day-I was taken down by severe cramps. I was able to push through the leg cramps but the abdominal muscle cramps took me down. Medics didnt give me much of a choice once they saw me rolling around in the dirt. They quickly swept me off to the base of the mountain. I was super bummed to not finish!
    I think the elevation,lack of carbs and 32 degree ice bath may have had something to do with it.I guess this means I am doing it again next year.

  17. Pictures are beautiful! Loren, you’re radiant. Brooke, your back is so Goddessy!.. filling in for Grandpa John, whatever happened to him?