Rio Americano @ 10:00 am. We are doing 40 40's. It's still a one mile run, just a little different than last week.
The Barbells For Boobs fundraiser at West Sac yesterday was a huge success and it was tons of fun. Huge thanks to Rick, Jeff, Dan, Brittany, and all the volunteers who put on a very well run event, you guys did an amazing job. We were all very impressed.
Big props to our girls, Brooke, Loren, and Cherie who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the female Rx divison. Matt P blew us all away and put down a time only about 30 seconds behind myself, this guy is seriously gunning. We were all fired up for Rod for going out and completeing the WOD as Rx. And a shout out to my three favorites, Lsley, Carol, and Xenia our masters ahtletes. You guys are always an inspiration, and you make us all very proud.
I really have to hand it to all of our members who participated. I recieved numerous comments throughout the day on how well you guys move and how coachable you all are. Nothing makes a coach happier than seeing thier athletes perform well on game day. It is really awesome to be able to spot the flaws in your movements, yell a few cues out at you, and see you make corrections on the fly while under presure even suffering the intensity of a squat clean grace. You all have exceeded our expectations once again.