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The Stage Is Set

Picture 2

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. Each round five minutes. A one-minute break is allowed before repeating. You will perform 3 rounds.
The stations are:

1. Wall Ball – Men's Rx = 20/10ft  Women's Rx = 14/9ft  Scaled 1 = 8/9ft  Scaled 2 = 6/8ft
2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull – Men's Rx = 75  Women's Rx = 55  Scaled 1 = 35  Scaled 2 = 18 KB
3. Box Jump – Men's Rx = 20"  Women's Rx = 20"  Scaled 1 = 14"  Scaled 2 = 12"
4. Push Press – Men's Rx = 75  Women's Rx = 55  Scaled 1 = 35  Scaled 2 = 8 DB's
5. Row – Calories, All Levels

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Movement Standards:
Wall Ball – For ease of judging (as much as we hate to do this) we will use the butt ball.  I know its lame to use a butt ball, but it will keep our competition more legit.

SDHP – Barbell must touch the ground and bar must be pulled to the level of the collar bone with elbows above the bar.  Elbows below the bar will not count.

Box Jump – As Rx'd must be a two foot jump, step ups will be considered scaled reps and will not count towards a Rx score.

Push Press – Bar must start under the chin and finish overhead with knees hips and arms locked out while the ear is completely visible from the side.

Row – Anything goes to get as many calories as possible.  All rowers drag factors are set to 120 (between 4 and 5 on the damper.)  Adjusting the dampers will not be allowed.

If someone has an injury or a legitimate range of motion limitation tell the trainers and the judges and we will adjust the workout accordingly. 

There was something eerie about the feel of this empty gym last night, all set up to perfection.  A setup that can handle up 24 athletes at once performing Fight Gone Bad with another 24 getting ready for their bout outside.  A well oiled machine that is ready to take all the punishment you can give it.  It is going to be amazing watching you all give it hell.  We have run this WODs in the gym three times in the last year and it is always one of the most exciting WODs ever.  Pairing up with someone to count, or discount your reps.  Someone who knows well the suffering you are going through.  This person is your competitor, yet you are cheering each other on as if you are teammates.  All while supporting two charities that are dear to our hearts.  CrossFit doesn't get any better than this.

This is what CrossFit is all about.  

Good luck to all the competitors today!

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