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Dealing With Injury And Recovery

"Tabata Something Else"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds
of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are
push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8
intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to leaderboard.


I have been drinking the CrossFit Kool Aid for the last 18 months
since I have been training with Justin. 
CrossFit has provided me with so many benefits that I thought would help
me in my training and overall physical fitness.  I have felt invincible on most WOD’s even though I have felt
sore and tired, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened to me on
August 20th.

I think as a former Division 1 athlete I am very competitive
and that I can get away with certain things because of talent, arrogance or sheer
stupidity.  Well, that Thursday
morning was the WOD Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3. 
I went through the progression of the lighter lifts and things were
feeling pretty good.  I was
thinking that I should be able to get to 245 on a 3 rep max since my one rep is
265.  I had progressed to 235 on
round 4 and was prepared to take on 245. 
I psyched myself up to get the lift. Travis was behind me ready to spot
me.  I took the bar and went down
on the first rep and it felt good. 
I took a deep breath and went down on the second and went too low, and
on the way back up, as I passed my knees I let my air out, and my lower back
rolled and I felt my back seize up. 
I stood up in pain. Stupid I should have dumped the bar.  As I was standing I could not feel my
legs…..Enough of the bad nightmare.

So, since the lack of concentration on my part I have gone
through some rehabilitation of my lower SI joint.  I first saw Donna the day of the accident. I followed that
with an appointment to a well known Active Release Therapist Dr. Justin Lau (He
works on my swimmers). And last but not least Bethany Terwilliger, Bowen Muscle
Therapy.  Each specialist said the
same thing that I needed rest, and that loosening my psoas (hip flexors) and working over my
lower extremities will help loosen the adhesions and get me on my way. I have
several more appointments to continue rehabilitation, but well worth it knowing
I will be put together better and with more information and tricks to keep me
healthy.  I am a firm believer in
these types of specialist.  I have
taken a slow journey back so far with modified WOD’s that when healthy I know I
would do well on.  But, I had to
learn to keep my ego in check and make it a process of quality over quantity
for now.  Thank you to Justin and
Travis for your continued help and patience.
-Brian Nabeta

The reason I asked Brian to write about this was to give all of you a perspective on injury and how to properly deal with recovery.  Brian was hurt pretty badly.  It was hard for him to walk out of the gym that day.  He is shown above lifting 105# overhead for three reps 9 days later.  This is a small percentage of what Brian could do on a good day, but none the less he has recovered significantly in a very short period of time because of his diligence in seeking professional help and doing his rehab routine of icing, stretching, and rolling out muscles multiple times per day.  Brian has continued to show up to the gym every day and do whatever he can even if it was just to stretch and foam roll and start working on restoring his squat range of motion.  This type of speedy recovery what is possible for someone who diligently rehabs their injuries, 9 days later and Brian is already at 75% after what looked to be a severe strain.  Many people who get a strain will tend to just sit at home and let their bodies rot.  This is the worst thing you can do.  If you get hurt, don't fucking sit around your house moping waiting for your pains to go away!  Get off your ass and seek out professional help, then do what they say like it is your job!  Every successful athlete will have to go through this process at some time, it is part of the game, part of making mistakes and part of growing. 

For some of you you may not even have been injured while working out, but due to your lack of range of motion and your tight muscles you are always tight and feeling achy.  These ideas apply to you too.  First off, start stretching and do what you know.  Next, go to a professional physical therapist, massage therapist, or even a doctor if you have to.  Just do something.  You are not going to feel better or improve at a satisfactory rate unless you take initiative and put a ton of effort into rehabbing your bodies.  Stop making excuses and waiting for things to get better on their own.  Doing your workouts is the easy part, but remember it is only one piece of a much larger puzzle that pertains too the quality of your lives.

Brian, we all feel your pain and frustration, but thank you for setting a good example of how to deal with such a situation, and thank you for showing us what a proper recovery looks like.  With your diligence and effort, you will be back full tilt in no time, stronger than ever and smarter than before.

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