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One Last Night of Gluttony

***We are going to have a group dinner at Ernesto's in downtown Sac tomorrow (Saturday) night at 7:00.  We want to try to get the gluttony out of our systems before the Nutrition/WOD Accountability Program starts next week.  All of our members are encouraged to join us for a fun night of eating and drinking.  Margarita's will be on CFES for the evening, so be prepared to call a cab for a ride to the after dinner drinking spot and another for the ride home.  Be there or be square.
RSVP to comments section ASAP so we can get a head count and a solid reservation***

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 135/85
Ring Dips

A little post WOD carnage.  John Michelmore and Nick Schwed lay motionless except for the exaggerated heaving of their rib cages.  When the WOD is scaled appropriately all of us should end up looking like this when its over.  Great job boys.

Here is an tough WOD similar to our WOD today from
SDHP-Ring Dip WOD, Freddy C. vs OPT…[wmv][mov]

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