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A Grain of Salt

Weighted Pullups 8-6-4-2-2-4-6-8
Bent Over Row (Followed Immediately by a Drop Set of Bicep Curls)

Row 1000 Meters
100 Pushups
10 Power Snatches 135/95

Screen Shot 2011-12-31 at 12.12.14 PMToday I was flipping through an old fitness book I found in a friends book cabinet.  The book had some good advice to offer but I was immediately appalled to see the model performing some of the most hideous squats I'd ever scene (and that includes YOU).  After the initial visceral response I began to reflect back on a time not so long ago when I too subjected myself to this sort of thing.  I realized how easy it is to sit on my high horse and look down upon those who've not figured it out.  I can also remember thinking that I knew everything that fitness had to offer…but boy was I wrong.  Everyday I learn something new and am humbled by all I've yet to learn.  CrossFit has taught me to take everything with a grain of salt so when I look back on where I was three years ago I can be proud of what I've learned not ashamed of what I didn't know.   Stay off of the high horse….nobody likes that guy.

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  1. Thank you – Blake, I was the kid who couldn’t seem to catch, throw nor run as a normal boy. Awkward was a common feeling when attempting any playground game or sport. Around 45 years ago, I had an employee working for me, who was really old, he was in his fifties. Tomas worked in a health food store during the day and washed dishes for me at night. “Johnny,” he would say, “you need eat better and develop some strength.” He had more energy and enthusiasm toward life, and after going to a few seminars with him, I became a “health nut”, exercises including pushups, sit ups and speed walking. I’ve eaten mostly raw fruits and vegetables and exercised every day since then. However – still awkward. When I started CFES in August 2010, Justin said I looked like I was attempting sex with the bar while pulling the bar from floor the snatch or clean. A true natural – NOT! But feeling embarrassed will not stop me, once my shoulder is heeled, I’ll be back. In the mean time, I’ve put my name in the hat – volunteered for our next Sac-Town Throw Down.

  2. Blake: visceral response! I love it when you talk like that.

  3. Blake: seriously, keeping yourself real is priceless. Nice work.

  4. brother mike

    Isn’t a good snatch really sex with the bar John?
    Blake, as you get older and more cynical you will learn to take everything with a grain of salt- the size of the grain just varies a little depending on the source.
    Lots of fun at the Team Try Outs this morning. Thanks to Travis for getting this together and supervising the WODs. Thanks to the 8:30 and 10:00 classes for sharing the box space.

  5. John Michelmore

    Great job to the competitors this morning.
    Happy New Year’s to all. Have fun and be safe!