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A Little History For You

For Time:
Row 1000m
Then 5 Rounds:
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
10 Pull Ups

Rx+ is 135/95 and 15 pull ups per round

This video is of the 3rd event at the first ever CrossFit Games in 2007 at the ranch in Aromas.  Event 1 was a 5k trail run with some of the worst hills you can imagine.  Event 2 was a CrossFit total, which is the total of your best squat, deadlift and shoulder press.  Event 3 was called the Hopper WOD and was decided as shown in the video above.  They actually pulled exercises at random and made the workout right in front of the athletes and spectators.  The original WOD was very similar to our WOD today except with 7 push jerks and 25 pull ups per round.  Do the math, that’s 125 pull ups in a WOD.  Pretty cool to see where the sport of fitness was just 6 years ago compared to today.

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