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Arch, But Keep The Ass On The Bench

Bench Press 3-3-3-1-1-1

3 Rounds, 3 minutes each:
200m Sled Pull 90/45
Max Reps Squat Clean Thruster 95/65
Rest While Partner Goes

It is a common myth that arching your back on the bench will cause injury.  Forget about that, arching on the bench puts you in a strong braced postion to produce maximal force.  Get your chest up as high as you can and your feet wide and solid on the floor.  Keep one thing in mind, it is considered cheating to lift your ass up off the bench.  Try and get good clean reps today.  You could even throw in a pause on the chest if you want make the lift a little harder and see what you can really lift under proper bench pressing rules.

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