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All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

7 Rounds For Time Of:
10 KB Swing 70/44
30 Double Unders
15 Push Ups


Keeping track of your results is an imperative part of participating in CrossFit.  It brings us great joy when we look across the gym and see everyone diligently writing down what they did each day. 

Top 10 reasons to keep a WOD journal:
1) Motivation to improve daily
2) It is exciting to see measurable, repeatable, observable improvements
3) Motivation to work hard a on a day when you're "not feelin' it"
4) Data from previous WODs helps us scale the current WOD appropriately for you
5) Keeps you consistent, you don't want to open your journal and see a bunch of rest days
6) You will learn the names of exercises quicker
7) You won't be able to forget what your 3 rep max on front squat is ever again
8) If you're not keeping track you probably don't care (This is BAD)
9) It only takes 60 seconds a day
10) All the cool kids do it

Remember, most every CrossFit WOD is observable, measureable, and repeatable.  It is only measurable and repeatable to the extent that you perform the movements with a legit range of motion.  Keep the virtuosity and integrity high.

***Xenia's pull up video got posted on the affiliate blog on CrossFit.comCheck it out at!***

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