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Calling All Women!!!!

Front Squat

5 Rounds for Time:
7 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/95
10 KB Swings 70/44
3 Rope Ascents

    CrossFit has leveled our playing field. It allows all individuals the opportunity to do the same things, lift the same amount of weight and do the same workouts. Its how we respond to that opportunity that determines our outcomes. So why are women still shying away from the heavier weights and the higher intensity? Is it because women still believe that lifting heavy and working hard will make them bigger? If so, don't you believe that those thoughts and/or actions are preventing them from achieving their true athletic and fitness potential? This misconception that lifting heavy makes us heavy is still weighing down some women's minds. 

    Its definitely no secret that women are bombarded with unhealthy ideas of fitness and beauty. Most of those ideas are in direct conflict with good health. The pressure to keep up with the entertainment business and models has had a direct correlation with the rise in eating disorders. These pre-reqs to be skinny and weak bombard the female population. The messages are clear: We need to be as skinny as possible, eat as little as possible, have big boobs and when we are in the gym we need to be concentrating on our tummy's and butts! HAHA! Okay here's a "smart" advertising campaign for all those people who don't believe that women are bombarded with unhealthy messages. How about "skinny jeans"? Oh for fucks sake, can we just call them tight jeans or thigh huggers? Oh yeah, did I forget, women are also never supposed to be able to open a can of olives on their own. That's a man's job right? 
    Okay, so I understand that some women are afraid of getting big broad shoulders and legs the size of tree trunks. And some women also are under the conception that working out harder means they are going to be hungrier and the more they eat the bigger they get. Women are scared of more because we are supposed to be "less". Less big and less strong. Even after we hear all the great things about what exercise does for us we are still led to believe that skinny is better. We know that weight training increases bone density, promotes better weight management, reduces the risk for cardiovascular disease, and preventing diabetes. That my friends is just naming a few of the benefits of exercise and weight training. So why aren't all these women just dying to pick up something heavy then? We aren't going to turn into huge manly beasts. Check out these kick ass rockstars above featuring some of the chicks from the Games last year. I would have to say that most of those girls look amazing and are in the best shape of their lives with the ability to lift really heavy weight! Strong is the new skinny my friends. Embrace your inner badass and go pick up something heavy. I don't know about the rest of you but I really enjoy opening my own olive jars

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  1. Roger

    Great post Brooke! I’m coming in some canned spinach, will you please crush it open for me after the WOD. I needs my iron!

  2. So true, so true. Great post. This occurs even for women in CF programs. I told my sister that you had lifted 2x your body weight in a deadlift and she thought that was insane. She is lifting 45 pounds at her CF (about 1/3 BW). So I sent her the video, and some encouraging words to keep trying.
    This phenomenon (sp?) is even more of an obstacle in globo gyms. The heaviest bar at my previous women’s only gym was 35#. No one ever picked it up. And the leg press only went to 350#. And, most of the nicks at that peg holes, were around 110#. For me, having both the right weights and the right trainers to begin lifting the heavy ones is a dream come true. Loving CFES!!

  3. Crystal B.

    Great post Brooke! It is so nice to have found a community that supports strength and independence for women! I too “enjoy opening my own olive jars”!

  4. brother mike

    There is a cool website about this:
    Strong is also pretty damn sexy. Without being disrespectful to any of the women (or there significant others), Anne H., Brooke, Sabrina, Sarah, Loren F.-R., Lauren C., Laura B., Ruth, Jen, Anne P., and I could go on and on are some of the sexiest and strongest women I have ever met.

  5. i like getting my olives from the olive bar at the grocery store so anne doesn’t have to open the jar for me.

  6. Kelli Brogan

    Great Post Brooke. All women should aspire to be fit and strong, not waif thin, because who would open that jar of olives?

  7. Leah B.

    Great post Brooke! It’s always nice to be reminded of the simple truths that you mentioned. Thanks for being an awesome example to all the ladies here at CFES!

  8. Trey

    Gia, You better hide the rest of your spinach!!!

  9. I figured out a while ago that I’m not genetically programmed to be “skinny” (and eventually I didn’t want to be, either), so I might as well be strong. I love being able to open my own jars, clean and carry my own 40# dog food bag around Petco, replace the water jug in my office water dispenser, and carry my own damn heavy boxes of documents into court (while in high heels). Strong just feels better! Great post, Brooke.

  10. Oh, man. I love this. I’ve actually begun to start changing the perspective of a lot of the girls at my work. A few of them actually want to try CF now. One of them has even said, “CF girls make P90X girls look lame.” Love it. Strong is super sexy.
    Pat H. That was so funny I burst out in laughter.
    Sabrina- Lifting heavy in heels? Forget about court documents, do your front squats today in a pair of those.

  11. James M

    Really? Roger’s post has only elicited one semi-smartass comment in the last 5 hours? Come on CFES, you can do better than that!

  12. Sean, I don’t find the front squat in heels to be that functional (it’s rare that I need to squat below parallel in a suit and heels), but a farmer’s walk? Now we’re talking real life movement. In fact, I think we ladies ought to challenge the guys to a 100m 44#KB farmers’ walk/race in heels sometime.

  13. What about men huh?? they have skinny jeans too.
    Btw… I tried a pair on (by accident- not realizing they were “skinny,” that’s enough of the smart ass comments that you’re getting ready to type)… it was prettttty sexy.

  14. Sarah W

    Preach it sister!!!! Love the post!

  15. Jon B

    I remember when I first started I was all polite, helping the chicks put away the 45s. Then I noticed them beating the shit out of me everyday, so now I’m like”crap-balls she’s a fucking ninja, she can put away her own shit, maybe I’ll have her help me put away my weights!”

  16. Tirza

    So true. Part of the problem is all the ignorant men who are intimidated by strong women. Not to start a sexism war because women play into the role too. That said, one of the things I appreciate about CFES is the respect from both guys and gals for strong, healthy women and all the wonderful examples to look up to.

  17. Roger

    By accident huh Blake? Really dude, you tryin to get away with that story at this gym?

  18. Jon B
    I hate giving the honey badgers this one but it’s too funny. If it’s already been posted sorry.

  19. Sean T.

    What a timely post…My girlfriend is seriously considering starting up at CFES but is concerned about becoming “manly” and buff from the workouts. I’ll definitely point her to today’s post to assuage her concerns. Thanks Brooke for posting this. For her case, its probably better hearing it from another girl as opposed to me…

  20. scott charles

    Brother Mike: at the risk of making more trouble, I want to put Gia’s name on that list. Just my 2 cents.
    Sabrina: you’re killing me.
    Blake: dude, really? You don’t get enough attention around here that you have to advertise? Don’t get me started.
    OK, Cheers.

  21. Tirza: well said. I would add that stereotypes about what makes a man “masculine” are a trap for men. Just my .0002 cents.

  22. Sean T., I hope you’ll bring your girlfriend to the Newbie Throwdown and let us all try to indoctrinate her. I know a lot of us ladies can tell her that we actually did lose weight and get more toned, all while getting substantially stronger doing this program.

  23. Jen

    Lulu orders are due today. If I don’t have a check from you by 5pm.. I can’t put your order in.

  24. Sean T.

    Sabrina…Will do. And pardon me for using the term “girl” in that post. Using “woman” would have been better serving.

  25. Matt Brogan

    Brooke – great post…should be required reading for all of the CFES daughters as well.

  26. Liz

    Great Post Brroke.. These woman are amazing.. Sexy, Strong and all around amazing. I love that all CFES chicks keep getting stronger and more buffed.
    Sabrina I think your onto something.. A little competition in heels sounds like something we girls can ROCK…

  27. I’ve got a dollar that says Blake owns a pair of skinny jeans.

  28. Matt: I think you’re on to something. I think we should WODs in skinny jeans.

  29. And then we could all do squats and tear at the knees, then walk out of the box in designer fashion. Great idea, Scott!

  30. Scott- I cant get my ass/quads/calves into regular jeans, I can’t even think of skinny jeans. That would be hilarious to see a bunch of us attempt today’s squat clean/KB/Rope climb WOD in them.

  31. Liz, we’ve all seen the evidence that you can rock the burpees in high heels, so a farmer’s walk should be no problem for you!

  32. brother mike

    Scott, the list could go on for days- Gia, Liz, Corey, Olga, Nancy, Joan, Monica, Jen (there is more than one), Cherie (have you seen the Xfit glamour shots??), etc.
    And on the skinny jeans- I bet that not only does Blake own a pair, they are low cut and he has worn them in the last week.
    Having many of the same genes as Matt P., I cannot get my legs into a pair of regular jeans, much less the skinny variety, so I am out on Rx’ing any skinny jeans WOD.

  33. A guy I used to know was once convinced that skinny jeans were what guys were supposed to wear. Of course, he thought muscle was gross and wanted to be super skinny. You know, that’s what men are supposed to be nowadays. Have you seen the new emo bands? Those men are all the rage. They gotta have the girls to match, em.

  34. adam k

    my Wranglers became “skinny jeans” after a few months of CF…. I hope we can all still be friends.

  35. Roger

    What’s fascinating about the thread today is the men at CFES are talking more about “fitting in their jean” than the women. I really gotta wonder about this place sometimes.

  36. The hipster doofuses in skinny jeans at the dog park make me want to throw sharp, heavy objects at them, so please, CFES boys, just say no to skinny jeans.

  37. Sabrina- I happen to have about 5-6 swords… Just let me know if you need them.

  38. Remind me to stay on your good side, Sean.

  39. I don’t meant to be the wet blanket in a host of funny posts, but I’ve been determining whether to share my story. Anne once shared a personal story a LOOOONNNGGG time ago on the blog(which was later followed by a round of Mai-Tai’s at Taro’s) so she inspired me (like she has in many, many ways).
    Let’s just say I’ve had my fair share of poor body image experiences. For years I struggled with an eating disorder, going through phases of severe weight loss and gain. For about 10 years, I gained and lost 40+ lbs, repeatedly. About 8 years ago I finally hit the “right” weight, I was eating right (or at least good enough) and was a runner. I moved to California and not long after that Roger and I merged our love of fitness (plenty of it involved spinach 😉 and it’s been part of our daily life ever since, what 4.5 years ago? Roger taught me A LOT about nutrition (apparently that minor in college didn’t serve me very well nor did the PhD in Biochemistry) and how to eat right and CF has taught me about being even stronger and even more fit and providing a great network of healthy eating.
    Since I joined CF 2.5 years ago, a lot has changed. I’ve changed my diet (I eat a lot more and a lot more meat (NOT SOY BROSKI)) and I’m bigger because the number on the scale goes up. I can’t get my thighs into my pants (but the waist gets looser). I went up a shirt size (or two) and let me tell you it’s a mind-f*ck. For someone who spent 10 years trying to be smaller, this has been a real doozy for me, but I am so much happier being strong. I am so much happier lifting heavy shit and Roger telling me all the time how surprised he is at how much I’ve changed in this time. Ladies, let me be honest with you. You’re not going to get big or manly or anything but happier. You’ll feel better, you’ll feel more capable, you’ll get leaner. Not skinny, but lean and let me tell you that’s a big difference.
    And if that’s not enough convincing for you, lemme tell you about my Mom. I love that woman, but if there was anything anyone could ever say about her is that she does not pull punches. This past weekend, we were trying on evening dresses and dress after dress after dress fit me great. I’m the same size I was when I was “skinny” but I’ve got a strong looking feminine physique that even my mom liked! And let me tell you, my mom has had plenty to say about my body and my clothes in the past.
    You’ve got to make a choice. Either you’re going to continue to come in and shy from “big weights” or go elliptical and run and eat low-fat crap and be hungry ALL THE TIME…OR… you’re going to work what your momma gave you and push yourself. Let yourself fall into this extremely supportive network of people who want to see you succeed and be independent and strong. I did and aside from being in the best shape of my life, I’ve never been happier. I’m not going to lie and say that it hasn’t been difficult, but if you’re not here to do your best, why are you here?

  40. Roger

    Skinny is retarded and transient. What do I mean by transient? Well, go back and look at the female image 500 years, ago and then 100 years ago and then about 50 years ago. It changes and has changed over time What Cosmo and Elle and those other bullshit mags (run by women, btw) are telling today, is not likely to last. Evolution is messy, sometimes it takes a step or two back before it takes a step forward, and sometimes in evolution there are small revolutions. The women of CF are leading a revolution to redefine and take back the definition of beauty (just as women did 50 years ago and before that 100 years ago), only this time, it’s a step in the right direction. I want my daughter to have Gia and Loren and Sabrina and Amy and Cherie and Brooke (and the rest of the CF women as her role model. Not some scrawny, bullshit made up image made in a studio!
    PS- I think Blake has skinny jeans as well.

  41. Jon bik

    I’ve been trying to sell wifey on cross fit for a while and this topic has definitely come up. I was very clear that I don’t see it the way she does but of course that didn’t matter. She’s been brainwashed for her whole life. I’m making her read this story and the blog posts. Thank you for sharing a tough topic, I have a sneaking suspicion you are the one to post but not the only one with a similar story. Bye hot, buff ladies.

  42. I’m still laughing over your ninja comment, Jon. Bring your wife to more CF social events, and we’ll keep working on her! She will be assimilated!

  43. I’ll take that bet Matt!! What you’ll come to find is that what I lack in skinny Jeans I make up for in cahones… its a pretty fair trade. My guess is that all of the haters alive in the 60s and 70s are just trying to compensate for the period in time when they really did wear skinny jeans or even bell-bottoms. Now doesn’t that ring a bell? It’s okay if you did, this is a very supportive crowd.

  44. Roger

    Are we gonna have Skinny Jean WOD day? This I have to see! I have been threatening zebra pants and wife beaters for some time now.

  45. Don’t forget about this badass article for those of you trying to sell CF to your muscle-fearing women:

  46. brother mike

    I hear The Orphans are wearing zebra pants and wife beaters as their team uniform- well some of them wear them often, but they will make sure they get their annual washing for the newbie throwdown.

  47. Liz

    What an awesome story!! I love that you embrace how strong and fit you are and ignore the size.. Who cares. You look amazing and can out lift your body weight on most lifts.. How bad ass is that!
    I understand and appreciate where your coming from. I also struggled with a bad body image and years of over exercising, under eating and never feeling good about myself. Throw in a mom who is always mistaken for my sister, has always worn a smaller size then me and while encouraging me to “exercise” has never been afraid to tell me when I was getting “big” or bulky.
    It has taken me years to embrace that I have big shoulders, a broad back and strong legs (“tree trunks” has often been used to describe them) but guess what at 44 I am leaner and in the best shape ever.. Yes I weigh more then I ever have but LOL wear a smaller size then 20 years ago and have definition in places I never knew I could!
    My wish is that all woman can embrace that a strong body is a powerful weapon and something to be proud of. In the mean time I appreciate being surrounded by such a great group of woman that understand what beauty is all about.. Thanks for your constant inspiration..

  48. Is it possible to be so f*cking sick of this topic yet??? Brooke- I love your post and I love that we are continuing this conversation. I only say I am sick of the topic because I have honestly become so comfortable with my body and so proud of what I can DO rather than what I look like that I forget that this is even a topic that we STILL need to discuss. I only hope that those who really need to “hear” this are reading this blog!
    Gia- thank you for sharing your story- we all need to be reminded of how “crazy” we once were; how messed up out thought process was. Yes, up and down 15-20 lbs for years was not fun or healthy for my body or mind. And- we are most definitely in need of more mai-tais.
    Here’s me trying on clothes:
    I take 2 sizes of everything into the dressing room. When I undress, I first admire my muscles- like my dad always did in the mirror when I was growing up- a very proud man, “Look at my muscles!” (So, I say the same thing to my girls.) Then I try on the smaller size first- b/c if it fits, I’m buying it. I know immediately, before I even get my whole first leg into a pair of pants if they’re going to fit. Sometimes, I forge forward anyway, for reasons I still haven’t figured out. Then, no surprise, not the pants for these legs or this ass. Moving onto the shirt- usually a blouse or a jacket in this scenario: Put arm number 1 into the blouse, manage to get the second arm in, button it up. The top buttons are about to pop open, but the shirt is too baggy in the ab department, so I look pregnant and decide- not for me. I try to slip it off, and my arms get stuck. F*UCK! I’m STUCK! SH*T! How am I going to get out of this stupid shirt???? My arms are stuck!!! In the mean time, I can hear other ladies happily trying on their clothes, having sharing pleasantries with their friends while I am dancing around with my arms behind my back, completely stuck, trapped in this stupid f*cking shirt. Once I finally get out- I refuse to try on the bigger size, b/c that would just mean that I look even more preggos. (No offense pregnant people, I’ve been there.) OK- sleeveless is the way to go- for all seasons, I resolve.
    I wouldn’t trade this body for ANY smaller size, no way. The clothes are someday going to have to just catch up with me.
    True story:
    I was at a birthday party the other day for a friend of the girls’. At the table were 2 dads and 4 moms. Mom #1 and I were having a conversation. She continues with a different exercise program, one she is very comfortable with. (I won’t mention it- I will just say I think I’m still on their testimonial section of their website almost 3 years later!) Mom #1 says she doesn’t want to do CF b/c of “all those heavy weights.” I have come to realize that CF is for everyone and not everyone is for CF, so I don’t give her the hard sell b/c truthfully, she’ll never get it. My response was, however, “My 65 year old mother-in-law, my 60 year old mother, and 7 year old daughters do CF, so it’s not about how much weight.” Again, she gave me her landslide…”I just know myself, I’m so competitive that I would want to come in there and lift as much as I can and probably hurt myself.” Remember the Peanuts teacher? Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha. I can’t even take it anymore. I’m about to be done with this conversation. Then I bring to her attention one of our members who is a badass, another mom at her school. Dad #1 pipes in and says, “She’s an animal!” Mom #2 (wife of Dad #1) chimes in, “Honey, you can’t call a woman an animal, that’s NOT a compliment!” I say, “Oh yeah, it is! I would LOVE it if someone called me an animal!”
    OK you get it. I’m going to stop now, even though I could go on and on and on and on about this topic, even though I profess to be “sick of it.”
    I just hope that my daughters will grow up being proud of what they can DO rather than focusing on what they look like.
    Time for dinner!!!

  49. Me again… dinner was great- a HUGE pork chop- gnawed it off the bone.
    To protect the people in this story- I will use different names. I heard this story second hand…
    Sirhc was out to coffee with some ladies from GLOBO. They were talking about a female member of CFES, Htur. Htur told me that apparently these ladies were talking about how they couldn’t have “big muscles” like her, b/c they just wouldn’t like that. Htur said, “Maybe it’s their husbands who don’t like having muscular wives.” My response, “No, I believe their husbands are making very positive comments about you and how awesome you look and these women are threatened by you and just don’t want to work that hard, so they make up excuses, saying they don’t want a muscular shape.”
    Isn’t it ironic how sometimes our worst critics are other women? Now, there’s another blog post. Why is it that as soon as we accomplish something great for ourselves that we often hear negative comments from other women, intending only to make themselves feel better? They are bullies.
    I was doing HSPUs during my breaks in the middle of the faculty-student basketball game at school. I thought, “How cool would it be for the kids to see this??” (I actually got further down than I ever had.) After the game, a few people (men and women) came up to me to say how awesome that was, however one mom said, “All of us moms were watching you thinking, ‘Oh, here she goes again, showing off.'” (Or something to that effect- that had the same message.) Really? What if I were a guy? Would other guys treat me that way? I don’t know- I’m not a guy- I’m just guessing they wouldn’t. Maybe they would…someone with male parts, chime in on this one.
    I’m out…time for some dark chocolate.

  50. Eileen

    Great post, Brooke! Gia, you rock! Anne, you are always an inspiration! Sabrina, I’m in for the high heels farmers’ walk competition – can I be on a team with you and Liz?

  51. Great post Brooke! My fiance/wife is what I like to call “Nordic” or a “Highlands Log Tosser” 😀 Strong woman with thick legs and a shorter stocky build. She won’t let me spend the money to bring her to CF because we’re saving money for our wedding, but I am working on her because I think CF is what will get us to our strongest and fittest, in the physical sense but also in being fit to thrive as a married couple. So, all that to say, much love to all the women who stop reading magazine articles about what works and just DO what works. Strong, sexy, and embodying a feminine that shines strongly. The type of woman/mother who will take your head off if you threaten what she loves. Now THAT’s hot!
    Also, I appreciate what Scott Charles said about avoiding stereotypes of the masculine. It’s just as important for men to find out who they are at their STRONGEST, even if that means going against social norms. The term “man card” was mentioned in the thread yesterday, and although I enjoy approval as much as anyone and want to fit in, I live in more freedom and autonomy when I rely on no one to bestow or take away my “man card.” I carry that inside of me and is the result of my integrity and having a big heart towards the world.
    My company serves men and women who are seeking to be their most brilliant selves in the world — check out one of our new clients who explores what it means to go “Beyond the Macho Jerk and the New Age Wimp” at
    (btw, I love this community!!) Keep rocking it Gods and Goddesses!

  52. Big Rob

    Anne, Lots of people are like that when it comes to seeing someone do something incredible. When I still worked in the prison, people would always say “so what crazy shit did you do today” and I would tell em… sometimes they would just laugh saying that those things were stupid.
    Best story about that was when I told them I did 5 HSPU in a row, and when someone called me out and said they could do that we had a mini throwdown right then and there. Funniest thing ever the guy couldn’t stop himself from going down on the pushup and almost broke his neck.
    Don’t know if that helps Anne but it was my two cents.

  53. Ashley D

    This blog post and the comments, all of them, makes me happy. Much love to you CFES 🙂

  54. cort

    Thanks for sharing Gia.
    Blake, your post get a lot of posts!! 🙂
    Josh, your rope climbs today were fucking awesome!
    I <3 CFES!

  55. I’m a little late on the band-waggon here but here it is anyway: I totally agree with what everyone says!
    I especially second Sabrina when I say that I was never meant to be “small.” I was out to dinner with my family the other night and was wearing a tank top (they really are the only the only tops that fit) and my brother turns to me and says “You’re arms are huge!” I gave him a sideways glance and he clarified and said “I mean they’re so strong! I can see your muscles and you’re not even flexing!” I smiled and thanked him and told him I worked hard for that. I said I’ve never had small arms in my life and I never will, so the might as well be buff. I think the same about the rest of my body (well, maybe not my belly). I don’t have the genes to ever be small, or skinny or whatever so I might as well be strong… and I love it… and the reason I love it is because the CFES community and CF community in general loves and supports it.

  56. I think what everyone is trying to say is…
    Strong Chicks FTW!!!!

  57. Kira

    Awesome and inspiring post. Thanks, Brooke.

  58. Amy Muraki

    Great post Brooke!!
    And Gia thanks for sharing your story!!!
    I have to say being pregnant and not being able to continue CF has been very hard for me. It is a daily struggle for me to stay positive with the body changes I have undergone. I just have to tell myself daily that the most important person is the little guy and getting him here safely- after that Travis can kick me back into shape!!
    You ladies are awesome!!

  59. I want to get into shape after reading this blog. I have found my self putting it off ever since I broke my ankle. Now that physical therapy is over, I can get back on my game, and start burning some fat! I really enjoyed the video that you provided. I cant wait to come back to this blog for some more great ideas. Thanks for sharing!