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Calling Out Jamee On a Level 1 Test

Rest Day

Jamee Luchesi had a huge squatting break-though yesterday and nailed a 143# back squat.  It took her 4 tries to get one that was low enough.  She stopped above parallel 2x then went parallel.  Not good enough in this gym.  She was handling the weight with ease, so we kept making her go back and do another.  Come on, get lower, don't be scared.

Finally she dropped down in the hole and BAM, picture perfect back squat.  As a beginner sometimes when the weight gets heavy, it's easy to get scared and short the bottom of the range of motion.  The truth is, if your knees are out, your heels are down, and you stay tight, you will actually feel stronger if you hit the bottom of your squat.  With determination, Jamee finally committed to the full squat, and when she did, she stood up easily.  I am sure it didn't feel easy, but to anyone watching, it was obvious she can lift significantly more than this.  143# was good for today, but next time she will be starting somewhere in that ball park and going up.  Way to stick with it and make it happen.  I think that is the curent female fundamentals record.  I think its time for a level 1 test.

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