Happy Birthday Broski
Low Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-2-2-2-2 4 Rounds:200m Run15 Wall Ball 20/1415 Pull UpsRest 2:1…
We Got A New Big Man On Campus
Weighted Pull Up 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Alternating TabataDeadlift @ 50%Air Squat Kyle McCray has been here…
Calling All Coaches, Interns, Competitors, L1 Certs, or just plain kool-aide drinking CF'ers
For Time:100ft Lunge50 Push Ups50 Double Unders25 Knees 2 Elbows5 Rope Climb50 Box Jump…
On the Mend
Klokov Complex For Max Load:Clean PullSquat CleanPause Front SquatPush PressSplit Jerk 21-15-9:Wall Ball 2…
1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1Squat Clean ThurstersC2B Pull-Ups* 10 Burpee penalty for "Unbroken Sets"Rest 5 MinRun 1 Mile…
Strength Sunday and the Strongest
Great job to all the CFES competitors Saturday at the Strongest Contest in Vacaville,…
Congratulations AO and LO!
20 Min AMRAP10 Wall Balls15 Burpee Pull-UpsRun 400M A great time was had as…
T-shirt Ideas?
Push Press5-5-3-3-3 5 Rounds for Time5 Ground To Over-Head 50% of 1RM Snatch Lunge Step…
Look What Travis Did!
Front Squat3-3-3-3-3-3-3 5 Rounds For Time:3 Reps Push Press 95/653 Reps Push Jerk3 Reps…
Strength Sunday
Yesterday after coaching you guys at 11am, I volunteered to go with weightlifting coach…