Oldie But a Goodie
"The Bear Complex"7 Sets of the following for max load:Power CleanFront SquatPush PressBack SquatPush…
You Drink Enough Water? Not Beer Lene.....WATER
Five 2 Minute Rounds:Run 200m runMax Power Snatch @ 65% 1 RM In Remaining…
Big Deadlifts!
21-15-9 of:Power Cleans 135/95GHD Sit Ups The male and female gym records were broken…
Throwdown Teams Announced!
After two massive try-out sessions, the teams have been picked.Great job to all participants.Open…
How Do You Become Great At CrossFit?
Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (See Perfect Example Below) EMOTM For 12 Minutes:5 DB Deadlifts4 DB…
Introspect from Scott Charles
3 Rounds For Time:200m Run20 Pull Ups200m Run20 Push Ups200m Run20 Sit Ups200m Run20…
This Little Event Is Starting Next Month
No WOD at the box. We are closed for the day. That doesn't mean…
Big Day at the Box
Rest Day Level 1 warms up with KB's while the competitors deadlift and handstand…
A Grain of Salt
Weighted Pullups 8-6-4-2-2-4-6-8Bent Over Row (Followed Immediately by a Drop Set of Bicep Curls)…
Dedication or Obesssion... Call It What You Want
5 Rounds For Time:10 Each KB Snatch 62/4415 Burpee20 Heavy Rope Double Unders (3/4"…
The Roll Of Ankle Mobility In The Front Squat - Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words
Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2Resting 1-2 minutes between, go heavy! 5 Rounds For Time: 9 Deadlift…
What Up With Kipping Toes To Bar?
AMRAP 20 Minutes: 18 Box Jumps 24"/20" 15 Toes to Bar 12 Pull Ups…