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5 Sets:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Squat Snatch

21-15-9 of:
Squat Clean 95/65
Pull Up

IMG_1719Here is Liz yesterday afternoon stopping by on her way home from work to gt her butterfly pull ups in.  Liz made a commitment to herself to do 20 butterflies per day until she is the butterfly Zen master.  These are the types of commitments that success is built from.

It starts with going to the gym consistently.  Then you start finding things you want to get better at.  Then you start practicing those things as often as possible. 

Practicing often vs. alot is the key.  You want to “grease the groove” so to speak, but not do enough to create fatigue.  Doing pull ups or just about anything to fatique every day could lead to injury or dimishied motivation.

You can apply this practice idea to just about anything.  Skills like butterfly pull ups, lifts like squats, lifestyle habits like eating better or going to bed earlier, and certainly mobility practice.  Start with small but regular commitments and bulid better habits.  Before you know it those habits will build you into a stronger person all around.

Thanks Liz for leading by example and reminding us how mastery is achieved.

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