Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
30 Box jumps 24/20
25 Back extensions
20 Deadlift, 205/135
Graham Holmberg 14:04, Pat Barber 14:34, Jason Khalipa 14:55, Elyse Umeda 17:45 (20" Box, 155lbs), Karianne Dickson 17:53 (135lbs), Valerie Mackenzie-Voboril 18:33 (140lbs), Kim Malz 21:30 (145lbs), Laurie Galassi 21:56 (205lbs).
Deadlifts today are fairly heavy for a bunch of reps. If you like your spine, don't be like the diesel weasel. Get organized, stay organized, and rest if you feel yourself losing proper position. If you deadlift well, you will make yourself strong. If you look anything like this guy, you better have good medical insurance.