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Don’t Be This Guy

Death By 10 Meters

Rest 5 Minutes

Death By Deadlift (70% 1RM)


 WARNING!!! Not for the squeamish. We love when you push yourself in your workouts, but maybe this is a little much. 

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  1. Ariana

    Maybe it’s the nurse in me. But I LOL’d when I watched this.

  2. brother mike

    I think I am doing something wrong, I never puke when I deadlift.
    Apparently, it happens to others:
    Of course, puking isn’t just for deadlifts as you can see from Travis’s bout with Kalista (just forward the video to the 6:00 mark to see the end of the WOD and the appearance of pukie):

  3. brother mike

    Okay, and for the non-puke related story of the day:–oly.html
    North Korean Olympic lifter clean and jerks three times his body weight. He weighs 123# and clean and jerked 370.4, combined with his snatch he had a 293 kg (646 pound) total (with a little math that equates to a 125 kg or 275# snatch). All from a man smaller than many of the women in our gym.

  4. John Michelmore

    That video was great with lunch. Thanks Aaron.

  5. What the frack did I just watch?

  6. brother mike
    Top 15 trainer blogs. Some interesting ones on the list including K-Starr!

  7. Lift! BLARRRGLGRGGL. Too funny!
    Just wanted to let you guys know that Blake is doing well in SD. As you can see from this pic, he has found his calling in life. Cap’t Watermelon.

  8. Please somebody use that Captain Watermelon shot of Blake for the blog post tomorrow. I’m dying!!!!!!
    Does anyone else think that Travis’ barf event had some showmanship to it? 😉

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