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East Sac Barbell Clips

Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

EMOTM 10 Minutes:
3 Seated Box Jumps 30"/24"
7 Pull Ups

East Sac Barbell Mock Meet from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

This was the first mock Oly meet as our team weightlifters pre-pare for the Tommy Kono Open in August. I did the best I could to get everyone's best lifts in here, but there were some camera battery and user errors, so we apologize if we missed your best lifts or missed you all together.

If you want to analyze your form, click the vimeo logo on the video and you can download the video file. You can then use quicktime media player to go through any of the lifts frame by frame.

My tip for those of you who haven't competed in a meet is this. Never show the judges that you don't think you made the lift. Even if you feel a press out, stand up there confident and look at them like you know you made the lift. A little showmanship can go a long ways in a judged sport. It's not cheating, it's just competing.

One more thing. Don't host ride the bar. A good lift can be taken away for dropping the bar with bad etiquette. Keep your hands on the bar until it passes your waist and never drop a good lift behind you.

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