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Even Better On Day 2!

Rest Day

Cori kicked some serious butt today moving up the ranks from 17th place to 12th overall, qualifying her to move on to event 5 tomorrow, the 2 minute max muscle up test!

Cori stayed composed throughout the morning despite her legs being completely tore up from yesterday's heavy front squats.  She warmed up with confidence and went out to the snatch ladder with hopes for a new PR.  She hit snatches at 78, 83, 88, 83, 95, 103, and 108 for a PR tie. 

Screen Shot 2012-07-14 at 6.29.17 PMThe next attempt at 113 was for a new PR.  She set up, made an aggressive attempt and ended up under the bar in the full squat position but with soft elbows.  The bar slowly came down onto the back of her head and pulled her down over the front.  It was scary for a second, but we could see that she was able to control the weight and the fall well enough to escape with no injury.  Although she did not get the PR, she went for it with everything she had and without hesitation.  The power for a new PR just wasn't quite there with the smoked legs, but we just couldn't have asked for a better effort.

Event 2 started with 10 heavy deads at 195, went through 20 pull ups, 30 kb swings, 40 box jumps, 50 double unders and back through all the movements to finish with another 10 deads.  Cori went unbroken on the 1st set of deads, unbroken on pull ups taking the lead.  There was a slight judging error on box jumps where the judge sent her on to KBS after only 20 box jumps instead of 30.  He had to bring her back into position and make her finish box jumps, which caused Cori to lose the lead in the heat.  She continued to press on and made it back to deadlifts in still in the top of the heat.  A quick set of 4, 3 and 3 Cori was finished with the WOD in just over 10 minutes and took a 9th place finish in the event moving her into 12th overall.

This morning's muscle up event is worth only 50 points, then pack will be cut to the top 6 before moving on to the final.  As it stands, the 6th place athlete is more than 50 points ahead of Cori, so even a 1st place finish in the event will not move her up into contention for the finals.  Regardless of a chance for the final event, Cori has worked very hard on her muscle ups and is excited to get a chance to show her skills against the fittest in the world.

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