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Feeling Burned Out?

3 Rounds Each For Time:
10 Box Jump 30/24
20 DB Snatch
30 Rope Slam
40 Walking Lunges
Rest as needed

Sometimes in our hectic lives and in our attempts to conquer everything around us, we can lose motivation and become burnt out.  I don't know if AO was actually burned out on this day, but it sure looked like it.

You can try taking a nap against the can, but the real answer to alleviating burn out and getting re-motivated can be pretty simple.  Try setting a new goal.  A goal is the thing that motivates us to work hard.  It is the thing in which we strive for and achievement a goal is the reward for all the effort.

If you are aimlessly coming into the gym, you will undoubtedly lose motivation.  If you have a specific reason for being here, you are more likely to work hard and stay motivated.  So what is your goal?  Are you here to look better?  Are you here to perform better in a sport or to remain physically capable into elderly age?  Do you want to compete in CrossFit?

Whatever it is that motivates you, write it down, say it out loud, set a date, and measure it.  If you have a big or long term goal, break it up into managable pieces.  For instance if you need to lose 100lbs in a year, focus on losing 8 lbs per month. 

You will feel less like you are dragging yourself through a routien, and you will achieve much more if you are focused on a goal.

For more on goal setting see the following from the archives
What Do You Plan To Accomplish?

Also check out the following article on reaching your potential by Blair Morrison
Fitness is… Potential

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