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Fight Gone Bad Style Chaos

5 Rounds For Time
10 Power Clean 135/95
10 Pull Ups
10 T2B, GHD, or 15 Abmat Situps
10 Cal A/D, Row, or Ski Erg

C2B Pull Ups

Had a packed house at the noon class last Thursday. It’s always great seeing our people rotate through minute after minute of high output bad-assery. How did everybody like that one?

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  1. Matt_P

    You HAVE to put up some pics of the new rig. It is a spectacle.

  2. Kate

    This photo is now a historic document of how the gym used to look! Love the new setup. (And I also love FGB-style wods like the one we did Thursday. Or, at least, I love them after they’re over.)

  3. laura goulding

    I agree with Kate…I like this style of WOD. Yet, you can take those damn mountain climbers and shove them. 🙂

  4. Justin Riley

    I have to say that I am thankful that Thursday was my rest day. That WOD looked miserable!

  5. John Michelmore

    Wasn’t in last Thursday, but those workouts are usually good (not while they’re in process, but the result). Looking forward to seeing the new set-up this evening!

  6. Jennifer R.

    New rig was great for a WOD that had us going back and forth between lifting, pullups, rower,ghd. I think there were fewer collisions.

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