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First Open Workout Announced!

3 Rounds For Max Reps,
1 Minute per station:
Front Squat 135/95 (no rack)
Handstand Push Ups
KB Swing 53/35
Pull Ups


Who's ready? All of your cheat days should have prepared you for this! 3-2-1 GO!
Sign up for the Open!!! 

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  1. Rae

    Sorry guys, I don’t know what happened to my Strength Sunday post. User error for sure.
    Tues 6pm: Thruster skill work, with barbell and dumbbells. Then tempo front squats.
    Thursday 6pm: Strict pullups and dip work, push press skill work
    Sat 11am: Speed box squats, unilateral work, and a short, heavy metcon
    Everything is geared towards getting your movement efficient for the open, and not wrecking your body before Saturday. Let me know if you have questions.

  2. I think I would have preferred the pancake WOD to the workout this morning.