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Functional Fitness, Real World Style

Weighted Pull Ups 5-5-5-5-5 Reps

5 Rounds For Time Of:
6 Knees To Elbow
6 Box Jump 28"/24"

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Yesterday's WOD called for sandbag power cleans.  Since we only have 4 sandbags and classes were relatively large, we busted out all the toys to give everyone's WOD the real world feel.  Normally we use lots of barbells to develop strength, but the truth is the real world is not full of nicely knurled perfectly balanced barbells that sit exactly 9 inches off the ground all ready to be picked up.  Real life poses unique challenges.  Uneven objects with no handles and odd weight distributions.  The question is, can you train with barbell lifting and expect to be able to go out in your garage and put a heavy bag of dog food up on the top shelf.  We tend to think you can, but it doesn't hurt to train specifically for these types of tasks from time to time. 

Nancy beats on the BFT with a 10# sledge.  Although she has never swung a sledge hammer before, she was able to pick it up quickly on both her right and left sides.  Cherie is shown shouldering a 50# bag of sand, funny how much it looks just like power cleaning a barbell.  Matt P. flips the BFT for reps and Matt D. lifts a 185 atlas stone up onto a 42 inch box.  The fact that you are all able to perform these tasks with a high degree of proficiency shows that our CrossFit training does indeed prepare you for real life challenges.  So as fun as it was to pick up weird heavy shit and pound on things, we will continue to do the majority of our strength training with a barbell. 

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