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How’s Your Snatch Doin’ Today

Do the following sequence as many times as possible in 2 minutes for 5 rounds with a 1 minute rest between each round:
3 Hang Power Snatch
4 Snatch Grip Power Jerk (from behind the head)
5 Overhead Squat

Mens Rx = 95, Womens Rx = 65

*If you are in the middle of a set when a 2 minute round ends, pick up where you left off on the next round and count total number of sets completed through all 5 rounds for your score.


Alisa has some serious hops.  She hit 50 of these yesterday at a height of 25 inches.  Look at the height on the 3rd pic!  We should have given her 30 inches.

Some of you might be wondering why we aren't laying around on the floor doing hundreds of crunches.  Are we developing core strength?  Here is Coach's explanation from  Today's WOD will be challenging core strength to the max.
What About Abs? …[wmv][mov]

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