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Getting Strong Together

4 Rounds:
15 Push ups
10 Pull ups
25 Abmat Sit ups
30 Air Squats
Rest 1 Minute

photo-5Michele Montez and Julia Callahan came to me a month ago wanting to put some extra work in. There are a few movements that they felt needed attention, as well as they really want to get stronger. Here is an action pic of them from one of our personal training sessions doing a bunch of partner tire flips in a wod I programmed for them.

How is everybody doing working on their weaknesses aka “goats”? I posted a while back asking how are you going to attack your weaknesses. Are your weaknesses strengths yet? If not, maybe you need to group up with some people who have the same problems and make yourselves work on them. Just a thought.

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  1. Finally got some squat progress and got 1RM up from 365 to 385. Started squatting over 300lbs 5x per week. Not necessarily going hard, just getting more practice reps helped with the feel and mobility. Another 15-20lbs on that PR and I can start chasing down the next goat. FS, OHS, Snatch, Lose Weight… I wonder which will take priority?

  2. Annie Redman

    Is it possible to be one big goat? I just keep showing up and working on everything. It’s not much of a strategy but there ya go.

    • You’re a stallion Annie. You only have to single out weaknesses if it’s your desire to. There is nothing wrong with following the daily menu and enjoying strength and fitness levels in the top 2 percentile of our entire nation.

    • Annie Redman

      Thank you Justin. I guess for 45 year old women, I probably am in the top 2%! Or close….

  3. Ari Santillanes

    I can kick up into a headstand against a wall now, something that I just could not wrap my head around at the time of the post you mentioned from earlier in the year. I am also starting to get better at handstand forward rolls with Alice Keller, as we take turns spotting one another during Tuesday night Flexnasty class. Over the summer when I had days off, I attended 2 Flexnasty classes a week, and now that I am back at school I can only go to the Tuesday night group. But I have only missed one in the last 2 months because I was sick. Won’t give up my Flexnasty time for anything, not even wedding planning!

  4. Michele

    We have an awesome trainer! Hopefully things will just keep getting better and better:)

  5. Angela

    Me… And wall balls go way back. I’ve been incorporating them in my warm ups. Yesterday I had to do 30 of them. My plan was to do the first 10, then by 5’s unbroken until finished. I wanted so badly to abort my plan, but I didn’t. Getting through the mental beat down is half the battle, ya know? Oh, and I didn’t miss a rep. So I guess the extra wall ball practice might have paid off. Even if its baby steps.

    • Donna

      Damn, Angela! I need to take your advice on the wall balls and muscle ups! Gonna start my workouts with muscle up practice and get in 20 wall balls at 20# to an 8′ target. Having to do them one at a time was awful … And really long!

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