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Good House Keeping

Hang Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1

For Time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 45/33
30 Pull Ups

Please Click Images To Enlarge

First off I want to say that we hate rules more than anyone else you know.  How do you think we all ended up training in this warehouse?  We are hard on the facility and that wont change, but we need to take care where we can to keep the place functional and nice.  Unfortunately failure to utilize common sense has brought about a few situations in the gym that need to be addressed and some guidelines need to be set so your coaches remain in a good mood.  Happy coaches are good coaches, and when the coaches aren't happy nobody is happy.  Please attend to the following guidelines to help keep your dues low and the facility in good condition.

1.  The walls here are made of sheet rock and they are not invincible.  We know there will be an occasional mishap and the good news is that walls can be repaired.  However I have been repairing walls left and right around here due to carelessness more so that accidents.  I know you are tired after your WOD and it is easier to toss the weight against the walls than set it neatly on the pile.  You can see the  latest result above, and once again I will have to get out my drywall tools and painting shit.  Don't be lazy, take 1 extra second to save the walls.

2.  Our pull up bars hate your wedding rings.  There are many chipped up areas on the pull up bars from rings.  RINGS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE PULL UP BARS!  Leave them in your gym bag.  The more ruff the the bars get the more holes you get in your mitts.  Eventually I will have to resurface them and they will be closed for at least a week while they dry.  Every time we catch you on the bars with your rings on, you owe us a six pack of beer.

3.  Only bumper plates are made to be dropped, and they should only be dropped on the black rubber mats.  Kettlebells and dumbells should never be dropped, and nothing should ever be dropped onto the astro turf or onto the lifting decks.  You can see why above.  The turf cannot be repaired, and the lifting decks are going to be very difficult and expensive to replace.  We do not want to miss a max lift that is contingent on millimeters, because you stepped in a hole made by someone who was too lazy to set down their kettlebell properly.  Only barbells are to be lifted on the lifting decks and unloaded barbells are to be set down, not dropped.

4.  Please take better care of the dry erase markers.  It only takes about an hour or two of the caps being left off the markers for them to dry out and become worthless.  It only takes you a half a second each to take it off and put it back on.  You really are not going to lose a point on your Tabata score to recap the markers between sets.  Xenia, you can do whatever you want since you brought us a box of markers, but the rest of you must leave your markers capped, and put them away when your done.

5.  Knots in the jump ropes are great way to shorten the ropes to the correct length, but they must be removed before you replace the rope.  First off, not everybody is as short as you are, so it is inconsiderate to leave them adjusted so.  Second, with the weather being colder now, the ropes do not straighten out for about two days after the knots are removed.  It is very hard for someone tall to do double unders with a rope that they just took 6 knots out of and it looks more like a slinky than a rope.

6. CHALK STAYS IN THE BUCKETS!  When you use chalk, use it the same way that you wash your hands, at home, in your own bathroom.  Rub it in and shake off the excess inside the sink, or in this case, the bucket.  Don't walk around the gym clapping chalk dust clouds all over the place the same way you shake the water off your hands all over our bathrooms that you don't have to clean.  Greg Everett said it best, "The trail of chalk on the gym floor leads from the chalk bucket to the beginner."

7.  If you bleed (no thanks to the people who scratched up the pull up bars with their rings), you clean it.  Get the simple green and a rag and wipe it down.  When you finish cleaning, don't throw the spray bottle in the bin where half of it will leak out all over everything else in the bin before the next person uses it.  Hang it upright on the side of the bin the same way you found it.

8.  Paper towels are expensive enough that if you keep using them at the current rate, we are going to double your membership dues.  We are spending about 100 bucks a month on paper towels.  Just use one if you like the current price of your membership.  Come on, you drove a lame ass Toyota Prius Hybrid here trying to save the planet, how about saving some trees while your at it.

Remember, this is not a gym that you go to, THIS IS YOUR GYM.  Have fun and keep it hard core, but exercise respect for the facility, your peers and your coaches.  Try to avoid the laziness that leads to destruction and maintenanc
e.  Thank you for your cooperation on these issues.

-The Management

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