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Great Night!


Great Night!

Great Night!

It was a wonderful holiday party! I speak for all when I say it was great to see you guys in a setting other than our box.  You guys showed why we are a leading facilty with in a large community.  Our local CrossFit community is what makes this so special.  I know many of you couldn't make this due to other engagements but your help in raising gifts for Toys for Tots was noted.  I am pleased to announce we had just under 300 toys and smashed the goal of 200 set by Aubriana.  She will be so proud!  Thank you to Mayahuel for helping host and thank you all for making this past year a memorable one!  Now let's get ready to for this upcoming Sactown Throwdown and see if we can bring this years trophy back home.

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  1. It was fun to see everyone last night in that setting! We all sure clean up well! Thanks for holding the event Lene! It was a good time!

  2. dawn

    Thank you for a fun party. My head hurts.

  3. I feel pretty good. That Sat. adaptations workout was great, party was great. Thanks Chris & CFES team for hosting!

  4. Liz

    Thanks for a fun night…

  5. chris

    You guys truly brought your ‘A’ game last night. It was great to see everyone. Adaptations class went extremely well. At least from what I hear. I hope you are all looking forward to some more specific guidance on how you should specifically attack these workouts on a daily basis. I will be making an e-mail list of everyone who turned in the sheet. If you had to leave before I handed those out, please e-mail me so I can forward you one. E-mail will update you guys with the next step and we will set up small group appointments from there. If any of you want to set up private group training in addition to what is set up… it is a good idea so the cost isn’t too substantial. Let me know if that interests anyone and I will be happy to group you up in 4’s so the cost will be minimal. Otherwise, wait for the next e-mail and we will go from there. Thanks for the attending and stay tuned for the launching of Travis’ program coming in January.

  6. tanman

    i am pretty sure i exceeded the free 2 drinks. hope that didn’t cut into anyone else’s share 🙂 Lene thanks for putting together the event. it was a great time and great opportunity to get to know the other members better. it was like meeting some people for the first time as they traded in their lululemons for a dress and heels.

  7. last night was hella fun. agreed that CFESers clean up nice!

  8. Thanks guys for a great party!

  9. Jessica

    Thanks for such a fun night! I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say how appreciative I am for coaches and their families who put so much time, energy, and of themselves into each and every one of us… I’m excited for the new classes /opportunities on the horizon : )

  10. Party was a blast. Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the toy drive.

  11. Donna

    A huge congratulations to jessica for smashing death by barbells today, finishing in under 16:00! Awesome job, jessica! Can’t wait to see you improve even upon that time in 8 weeks. 🙂

  12. Justin Kauffman

    Thanks to Lene, Justin, and Travis for the fantastic party. It was great seeing everyone outside of the box and gave Gemma and I an opportunity to get to know more CFES community members. There were plenty of classic moments to share throughout the next year.

  13. Lisa M.

    The entire day was great! It started off with an awesome Adaptations class. Thank you to Lene for organizing it and to Lene, Blake and Travis for their informative and passionate presentations. I am so motivated now to be the best physically challenged/weak and strong, SUV:)I can be! Then there was the fabulous party. The members and coaches of CFES certainly know how to work hard and play hard. Great to see everyone dressed up. Mayahuel was the perfect location for this event. Good eats and drinks. What a treat. Thank you to Lene and everyone else who helped organize this. Perhaps the most exciting part of the day was surpassing our Toys for Tots goal. Thank you to Aubriana for her brilliant idea of helping out the less fortunate.

  14. Awesome party. Classic moments. Thanks again, guys.

  15. Great Party CFES. Best Christmas party I have been to in years. Hands down.

  16. Right on, Donna! There are a few great shots of our resident studettes.