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Happy 4th!

"4th of July Partner WOD"

For Time:
Part 1
Between you and your partner, perform 76 Neutral Grip Alternating Pull Ups from the bars on the underside of the Cap City Freeway.  You may only do pull ups while your partner is in a Body Prop position between 2 points uner the freeway.
Part 2
Then grab a river rock and perfom a 350m Partner Carry to the train bridge.  You may change partners at any time.
Part 3
Perform 50 Handstand Push Ups between you and your partner.  You may only perform handstand push ups while your partner holds a below parallel squat with the river rock held in one hand overhead.  Imagine the Statue of Liberty in a squat hold.
Part 4
350m River Rock Partner Carry back to freeway.

Note: Once you pick up your rock, it may not touch the ground the entire workout. Each time your rock hits the ground both partners must do 10 burpees before moving on.

YOU ARE GOING TO GET DIRTY!  Bring shitty shoes and clothes you don't care about.  Rubber dipped work gloves are optional and you may want to bring a rag towel to wipe sweat and dirt off yourself.

As with all WODs, scaling will be encouraged as needed.

Get hydrated before you get here so you don't have to lug around your soft ass water bottle during the WOD and we can re-hydtate after.  I will have a nice cold ice chest stocked with beer, cider, and mimosas for refreshments post WOD.  Ok I will bring some water for you sissies too.

The American River Pain Storm from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

Here is a great video from our outdoor WOD on the 4th last year. This one was long and grueling yet some how terribly fun at the same time.

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