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Happy 50th Birthday Eileen

By special request from the birthday girl, who's Birthday is actually tomorrow, but we just don't do the Filthy Fifty on Sunday?

"Filthy Fifty"
For Time:
50 Box Jump 24"/20"
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 KB Swing 35/26
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees To Elbows
50 Push Press 45/33
50 Hip Extensions
50 Wall Ball 20/14
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

I am a mom to 3 amazing kids.  I am so lucky to be married to the love of my life for
nearly 22 years.  I am an attorney
who works ridiculous hours and loves the debates.  I love to cook and to throw parties and to be with my family.  But, of all the things I am, I have
never been anything remotely close to an athlete.  In fact, I am often reminded by my brothers and sisters that
it is the great irony that I am the one with the “stud kids.”  Sure, I’ve done my fair share of
aerobics classes, Jane Fonda video workouts, and trips to nowhere on the
elliptical machine; I know how to ski; and a tennis racquet is not a completely
foreign object.  But athlete?  I think not.  Then, in 2007, I met Travis when I joined my sister in law
for a workout with him at Arden Hills. 
She had been training with him for some time and I, frankly, was just
interested in doing something with her. 
How Travis refrained from laughing out loud at me is still a mystery,
and a great credit to him.  He was
so encouraging that I soon was training with him on a regular basis.  For the first time ever, I began to
like working out for the sake of working out.  I also met Justin and Brian and would watch Cherie with
complete awe (still do).

In the summer of 2008, Travis
began introducing me to the CrossFit concept of short, intense, varied workouts
and strict technique.  Though I was
pretty inept at the workouts, the philosophy made sense to me.  Soon, Travis and Justin began talking
to me about CrossFit East Sacramento. Without missing a heartbeat, I had our 3
kids signed up, but I hesitated for myself.  The idea of working out in a group – even if Travis was
still keeping a close eye on me – was really hard.  Having spent my childhood as the worst kid in the P.E.
classes that I was forced to take left no desire for me to be the worst
“athlete” in the room that I, as an adult, could choose to be in.  But I also trusted Travis and
Justin.  So I took a leap of faith.

Now, a little over a year and a
half later, while I am usually the slowest and weakest person in the 6 a.m.
class, I am O.K. with that.  CFES
has taught me to measure myself against myself.  Carrying a heavy brief case up 5 flights of courthouse
stairs in heels, heaving a big bag of potting soil over my shoulders, squatting
in the garden for hours, or being the resident pack mule to and from the soccer
field is no issue.  An unassisted
pullup remains a distant light in the future, but I can hold a handstand
against the wall for 37 seconds, and I can deadlift almost as much as our daughter.  Slowly but surely, I hit my own
PR’s.  My doctor of 13 years says I
am in the best health, by a big margin, that I have been in since she has known
me.  Longtime friends are surprised
at how strong I’ve gotten, and those who know about CF say, with no attempt to
hide their disbelief, “YOU do CrossFit?!” 
It has become important to me to be able to say, “Yes!”  I love that my hands have permanent
calluses, and I love not being able to participate in the conversation as so
many of my friends share the health complaints they are beginning to experience.  I don’t feel like I am nearly 50, and,
as a result of CFES, I don’t worry that I am nearly 50. 

I am constantly inspired by our
members and coaches (if you’ve never been to the 6 a.m. class, you’ve got to
come see Sabrina and Gia!).  I love
seeing everything you can do, and I love that you have become some of my
closest friends.  I love that you
make me laugh.  I love that working
out with you makes life so much better. 
I love that you make me believe I can do better.  And, most of all, I love the role
models you are for our kids!

Thank you so very much, Justin,
Brooke, Chris and, especially, Travis. 
You have given us so much, and I am very proud to know you!

-Eileen Diepenbrock

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