There are some amazing women in the gym who work hard caring for their families and still show up to kick ass in WODs. Really, what’s a 225# deadlift compared with the weighty responsibility of caring for a child? At least you can drop the barbell. I’m impressed by the strength I see every day in our moms; I’ve done a few of them a solid by sneaking pictures during/post-WOD to highlight on the blog.
Guest post today by our own Angela Felsted. Thank you for your poignant reflection and celebration of CFES moms.

From left, Liz R. and Angela. Photo credit to Cherie/2 weeks in a row stole a pic off FB/please don’t unfriend me you guys
Happy Mother’s Day
CrossFit East Sacramento Moms are the most incredible women. Every day I walk in this gym, I stand by some pretty amazing gals. Motivated by fitness, our common goal is to be better than the day before. Our desire to conquer what lies ahead brings us together in strength and spirit.
Each day I dig deeper to get stronger. Yet I also strive to be more focused, to get tight, to be flexible, to balance, and to test my limits in ways I never thought possible. Truth be told, I’m scared and anxious every time. However, I am never alone. Each test of strength, each measure of fitness, and each challenge is met with support from those around me. A mother’s love and devotion is truly endless.
The mothers around here are tough. We suffer together in a battle of wills to push past our physical limits, yet we are tested by so much more. It’s so true that we have been up all night nursing colds, fevers, aches, pains, scrapes, cuts, broken bones and broken hearts. We lay by our young ones just to make sure it’s our face that he sees first when he wakes up. We face cancer. We teach our children to make the best choices, only to see them make all the wrong ones. We learn to live alone. We hold our babies tight, even the ones who never, ever get to come home with us. Life is never easy.
Our moms at CFES work hard. We file motions and grade papers. We wash hair, and we
listen to problems. We fight fires, and we deliver babies. We chase the bad guys, we and produce ads. We work on spreadsheets, and we administer medicine. We sell software, and we clean teeth. We file paperwork, and we even derby. We wash and scrub and cook
and clean and sweep and wipe and brush, and we do it again and again and again.
Every day I learn so much from all of the mothers in our gym. The life lessons passed on
to me are invaluable. Our moms share their wisdom and give sage advice- never passing
judgment. They teach me to encourage and offer hope. I have learned to have grace under pressure at the very moment I want to buckle. These mothers teach me to love and most of all, to be forgiving.
Today, I am humbled by the presence of every woman here – these incredible mothers to
us all.
Jennifer R.
Lovely piece, Angela. Thank you “again and again and again”!
Kelly E
Nice, Angela! I love being a (newish) part of this club!! Thank you all for being so welcoming and for your relentless positivity–it’s awesome.
Warmest thoughts to our three ladies on the cusp for safe and positive L&Ds–you already KNOW you are capable and strong–you got this!
Great post, Ang!! You are an inspiration to everyone, too. You come in and compete and shit talk with the best.
Brother Mike
Angela has always been the standard in Crossfit (the biggest kettlebell weighs an Angela and all weights should be converted to multiples of an Angela) and now she sets the standard for blogs (in the future, all Justin’s blogs will be graded on the scale of an Angela).
Happy Mother’s Day all.
That is such a wonderful piece, Angela! Here’s to you and all of mothers and ladies of CFES!
Love this post and you Ang … you will forever be my Shaver Lake buddy. Thank you for being such a great role model as a parent, a friend, and a strong woman.
Amazing words from one of the most inspirational woman I know.
Amen. Happy Mother’s Day!!
Matt Brogan
Great post Angie…..and Happy Mother’s Day to all the CFES moms!
Joan Smith
Nicely stated, Angela–very touching. Happy Mother’s Day:)
Leah B.
Great post Angela! Happy Mothers Day to all the beautiful & strong women of CFES!
Jessica Santos
Angela, that brought tears to my eyes 🙂 I love you, mama! And all the other awesome mamas who make up our cfes family
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