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Hey Ladies, Embrace The Barbell and Focus on Your Training

4 Rounds:
400m Run
1 min Rest
80 Yard Prowler Push 90/50
1 min Rest
200m Sled Drag 135/90
1 min Rest

This video was posted on the CrossFit Community page as well as the CrossFit Journal.  If you haven't seen the Community page, check it out.  There are tons of success stories and just plain awesome things that go on throughout the CrossFit community. 

There is a great message here.  So many women have perceptions about CrossFit and strength training in general and what it means to their physique.  They are afraid to get "bulky" or too lean.  The bottom line here is that if you train to look a certain way, you will never be happy with the results.  As a long time professional trainer who has worked with over 1000 different womem, I will tell you that this is 100% true.  On the other hand when your training goals become performance oriented and you learn to embrace training hard, you will be very pleased with the results.

The media portrays women to look a certain way, but it isn't true beauty.  It's a made up/computer enhaced stereo type.  It's the image of somebody who is dying from malnutirtion and is painted from head to toe in make-up and has special lights shining all over them.  Not only is this image completely unhealthy, but it does not exist in reality.  Women were not intended to look like supermodels or actresses, they were intended to look like athletes.  Humans in general were well designed to do work and lots of it. 

Men who say they don't like women with abs or traps or whatever are just a bunch insecure weenies who are intimidated by truly hot women.  It can be emasculating (is that even a word?) for a man to face a woman who is obviously more fit than they are. 

True beauty lies within the woman who forsakes what the media promotes and dedicated themselves to becoming a physically capable specimen.  CrossFit women exemplify the true genetic potential of the female physique more so than any other group of athletes or fitness enthusiasts out there.  What could be more beautiful than the pinnacle of gene expressoin, the pinnacle of what nature intended?  Certainly not the skinny fat and sickly figures type that you see in magazines or on TV.

Send this out to all your frineds who participate in the lastest trendy bootcamp who follow the routiens from Shape Magazine or are doing cardio to death trying to fit into the media's mold.  It's time to educate the world and get them off bosu balls and TRX strapy things and doing pointless hours of "cardio."  This post probably won't change their minds, they are deeply brainwashed at this point, but maybe they will be a little bit more aware of what real fitness results look like.  I know one thing, they will at very least be jealous even if they can't admit it.  If they say they don't want to look like that then they are just plain old full of shit.

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