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I Hate the AirDyne

I do a round, you do a round with a partner
4 Rounds each:
500m Row
5 Thrusters AHAP
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
*Go as hard as you can and rest while your partner does a round.

Hate is a strong word.  If you have ever said, “I hate the AirDyne!” it’s because you’re doing it right.  If you have ever said, “I like the AirDyne” then you need to go way harder.

I love this machine for it’s ability to dish out high intensity without leaving you with a workout hangover.  You know when you’re sore and tired for days and don’t feel like doing shit and if you do shit it lacks intensity.  The AirDyne can really hit your conditioning and still leave you feeling good for the next day’s WOD.  With that being said, I still hate the damn thing.

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