5 Rounds For Time:
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
Rest 3:00 Minutes
The line-up of barbells starting actually started for scaled as low at 5# DB's up to a 35# bar and progressed by 10's all the way to 205#. There was a point in each class yesterday where nearly the entire line up of weights was manned and there were at least 25 people lifting in the half minute. I had a blast yelling, "3-2-1-GO!" over and over and watching a slough of squat clean thrusters go off simultaneously.
New member John Harms made it all the way to the 205 barbell and I added another 10 so he could attempt 215. John missed 215 by a bit with little training and litte technique under his belt. When this guy starts to pick up on the mastery of these movements he is going to be a monster. I am just gonna say it now before somebody else does, "Boyee you better stay outta Harms way!"