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The CrossFit Gods

***Open for 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM Classes*** CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise
***Olympic Lifting at 12:00 PM is still canceled.  We will resume next week***
So go to the classes if you can, otherwise, go to the Chalet and buy a stopwatch and go to a local school with a track for this one.

3 Rounds of:
20 Push Ups
20 Air Squats
Jog 400m

4 Rounds:
Sprint 400m (1 lap on a track)
10 Burpees

*Time each round individually and rest as long as you want before repeating.  We want full recovery in between and all out effort on each round.  Post times from each individual round to comments.


Sorry for the blurry cell phone pic, but we had to seize the moment here.  We ate breakfast, burgers at 1:30 Texas time, right next to Coach Greg Glassman, Nancy Meenan, Lisa Lugo, and Lizbeth Darsh.  Lisa is not shown because she had to take the picture.  The waiter at the Hyatt was photography impaired.  Greg is the founder of this crazy thing we are participating in.  Nancy and Lisa are the affiliate directors of CrossFit, and Lizbeth Darth runs the affiliate blog on  It is great to be surrounded by some of the key players in the CrossFit community.  They all had heard nothing but good things about CFES.  With over 1000 CrossFit Affiliates now it is exciting that we are on the CrossFit map and people are speaking well of us.

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