Back Squat EMOTM For 12 Minutes:
70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 95%, 90%, 85%, 80%, 75%, 70% 1RM
3 Rounds For Time:
Row 500
10 Squat Clean 185/135
20 Hand Release Push Up
I'm sure this will get a few laughs, not to mention some clever comments. Do our CFES doctors recommend this for colon health?
Justin Riley
Took it to the next level just now. Just went out in the back yard, squatted down and dropped a deuce. Slid right out. I feel 50lns lighter. Going primal from now on.
Nikki Mac
Does this mean we’re getting “squatty potties” now?
First I start working out until I feel nauseous;
then I eliminate wheat and other grains from my diet;
then I start drinking butter in my coffee;
now I am thinking about building a pooping platform in my bathroom.
What is next?
The only problem that I have with this is that it might cut down on my reading time. Where do you think doctors read all of their scientific journals?
Matt P
Squat Club approves of the WOD, not the video.
I always suspected Stanford was a crap school and now it’s confirmed. Maybe next they’ll create a stronger mount for the towel rack that sits across from my throne. That’s what takes the real beating……
J P Carey
We’ve used a stool (hehe, stool) for over a year now and it’s a major improvement to elimination. When we travel we find ourselves missing it and improvising with turned over trash cans or anything that can put us into a pseudo-squat.
In Mark Sisson’s new book The Primal Connection he says the advent of the modern toilet came when royalty wanted to be elevated from the lowly position of squat-pooping, thus, ‘the throne’ was invented. Late adopters as we all are to what’s glamorous/glitzy, the elevated toilet then spread to every household.
I don’t know about you, but I could care less about feeling like a king when I shit. Give me a squatty potty or developing world hole in the ground for better elimination and a healthy colon.
Or, just go start your own organic fertilizer pile like Justin, lol 🙂
Lesley Heller
Aaron u need to grow up. Sooo inappropriate.
Matt P
I’m pretty sure we weren’t at that point in our relationship where we shared our bathroom habits, likes and dislikes. Even if you and I were, I don’t think that would apply to your wife and me.
Justin, I’m pretty grossed out by your comment!!
Thanks Matt.
J P Carey
Matt, public shame was never my strong point. I will continue oversharing with the intent to make a few people want to try things that improve the quality of their lives 😉
Justin Riley
toilets are a sign of prosperity. thats why we call it the throne!

Olga B
Crap, too late for me. I already had appendicitis…
When women are delivering babies even if lying on their back, they usually have to get their legs up into a squat to open the pelvis for the baby to get out–it makes the pushing go a lot faster. So, yeah, this makes sense to me (a midwife).