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Keeping it Simple

*** REMEMBER EVENING CLASSES ARE CANCELED ***  CrossFit Sacramento fitness exercise
4 Rounds Not For Time:
Jog 200m
20 Walking Lunges (Back knee kisses the ground each lunge)
10 Burpees
2 Each Side Sampson Stretch Holding 10 Sec Each

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squats
Run 200m (1/2 Lap on a track)

If you do this one on your own, post WOD times to comments section below.  Remember to keep an honest range of motion on squats and push ups.


Justin Arnest crushed yesterdays WOD Rx+ at 155 lbs on the jerks with a time of 11:11.  Nice work J, if we can get you doing burpees the way you were throwing up those jerks you'll be a force to be reckoned with at the Nor Cal Qualifier in 3 months.

!!! We had three women get their first pull up ever yesterday.  Brenda Siravo was first, followed by Lauren Covert, and then Brooke Kiefer.  All three of the women were able to get 3 pull ups immediatley after getting their first one.  CONGRADULATIONS ladies!  That 1st pull up is a huge accomplishment!!!

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