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L1 Class Warfare


Seven rounds for time of:
10 Right Arm DB Hang Split Snatch 40#
1 Rope Climb 15ft
10 Left Arm Hang Split Snatch 40#
1 Rope Climb 15ft

Alternate feet in the split snatch sets.

Kristan Clever 12:22 (30lb dbs), Rebecca Voigt 14:50 (30lb dbs), Katie Hogan 19:52 (30lb dbs). Post time to comments.

300 It has been brought to my attention that there is some fire in your bellies after watching the regionals, and that there has been some between class banter going on within the box.

Matt P had a great idea to both apease the hunger to compete and to settle the banter once and for all…  Class Warfare!

Each Level 1 class, 6AM, 8AM, 12PM, 4:30PM, and 6:30PM puts together a squad of athletes and shows up on Saturday June 25th at 11:00 for the challenge.  Teams are comprised of as many athletes as the class can field and of people who regularly train at that time.

We will pull two cards from the hopper deck, and all athletes will perform both workouts with a brief rest in between.  We will take the average time of all the athletes from each class to find the winner, that way we can have teams of different sizes and allow more people to participate in the battle.

Scaling will be allowed and penalties will be assessed at the time of drawing the workouts.

Start talking it up, forming your teams and GETTING READY FOR WAR BABY!

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