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Learning To Snatch

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

For Time:
Box Jump
Toes To Bar

Xenia and Ashley Learning To Snatch from CrossFit East Sac on Vimeo.

The snatch is probably the most complex movement we perform in CrossFit, and possibly the most athletic. Learning to snatch poses challenges, but yields great reward in terms of developing the 10 general physical skills. It is a skill that weightlifters spend a lifetime trying to master. We perform any given variation of it a few times a month.

What's great about learning to snatch is that it helps an athlete become proficient in many other CrossFit exercises. If you can gain some mastery over the snatch, many other things will come easier to you. Of course you are going to have to learn the over head squat first, but OHS has significant benefits too.

Xenia and Ashley teamed up for a series of appointments to learn how to snatch. We systematically were able to start with the most fundamental understanding of the movement and progress to more advanced skills and drills. By the end of three appointments, they have developed some proficiency in the movement and as they continue training, you will witness them get better, handling heavier weights as they go.

The main purpose of this training is to develop a significantly important CrossFit movement that will be used more and more effectively in our workout of the day. The training, at least, at this point is not focused on trying to lift the heaviest weight. The goal is to develop a highly effective tool, that they will be able to put to better use, when it comes up in the program.

If you really want to get better at Olympic lifting, pull ups, handstands, running, rowing or whatever you may struggle with, talk to one of the coaches and set up an appointment or series of appointments to work on your skills. Ultimately it will help make you a better CrossFitter and allow you to get even more out your workouts.

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