Rest Day, or go run the Urban Cow
It was awesome to be able to come to Colorado and compete against some of the best lifters in all of Crossfit, and a few world class Olympic weight lifters. Chad Vaugn, in my weight class, 85kg, who is a 2x Olympian was throwing ungodly amounts of weight up in the air without missing a lift. He is shown here snatching 142kg (315lb) at a body weight of 79kg (174lb). I am just going to say it, it was FUCKING AMAZING to see it in person! I don't know the exact numbers at this time, but Chad also clean and jerked close to 400lbs. CrossFit golden boy Josh Everett also was hitting 260+ lb snatches and 315+ clean and jerks.
Travis and I are used to being the big dogs where we come from, so it was a humbling and exilirating experience to go somewhere where were we are just average joes trying to hang. It was so inspiring to be surrounded by such amazing athletes as it always is at CrossFit events. We both were grossly over stimulated which lead to us not reaching our potential in the snatches. The weights felt light and we were hucking them high off the floor. Unfortunately the over-stimulation lead to poor accuracy and missd lifts. However being that amped up was nothing but an advantage in the clean and jerk where we both hit PR's. We were also happy with our performances in the triplet, as the altitude had us a bit worried. We managed to crank out 6 rounds and some change, about the same we did at sea level in Sac, so it seems being amped up can overcome 6000 feet of elevation as well.
The resort here is beautiful, and I wish we could stay another day to enjoy it, but unfortunately for you guys we will be back to kick your booties tomorrow morning. Have a good Sunday.
Click here to view the results. We did better than I thought. Travis placed 9th out of 22, and I came in 7th out of 27.