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Looks Like This CrossFit Thing Is Starting To Catch On

2 Clean & Jerk's EMOTM @ 80%-85% 1RM (10 Minute Time Cap)

8 Minute AMRAP:
10 DB Walking Lunge 45/30
5 Double DB Snatch
20 Double Unders


 This commercial aired during the NFL playoffs yesterday. Crazy to see how a competition that started on a ranch in Aromas, CA in 2007 is now airing nationally televised ads. Every year this awesome sport grows exponentially and this will no doubt be the biggest, most competitive year yet. What crazy workout are you hoping to see at the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games? 

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  1. brother mike

    Three shots of Blair in that ad (at least)- pretty cool.
    If I could see one WOD in the games? That’s easy: Murph. Run 1 mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squat, run 1 mile. If you have a weighted vest, wear it. Oh and make them do it straight, none of this 20 rounds of Cindy crap.
    Now maybe it’s just my distrust of corporate Amercia (even with a British corporation like Reebok), but I start to wonder what kind of changes we will see. More money in the games – we have already seen our first performance enhancing drug scandal (and that was really before Reebok). More people participating, generally a good thing. More boxes opening (for a while there were 5 boxes a week opening, matching the growth of Curves a few years ago, anyone seen a Curves lately?).
    The challenge with more boxes opening will be quality control. Crossfit (the main entity) currently exercises very very little control and various Crossfit affiliates have the freedom to create an epic box (CFES, Anywhere, Moxie etc.) or to have step aerobic classes and call it Crossfit (the guilty box will remain nameless). My thought is that Reebok will want a bit more consistency for their investment- they will want a homogenous product that they can sell and say we are the supplier for Brand X- leading Crossfit to exercise more control limiting some things, requiring others, etc. Maybe exercising more control over the use of the name Crossfit on t-shirts, hats, etc. as well. Seems like some of those concerns about control were already felt at Nor Cal Strength and Conditioning.
    Anyway, exciting for the sport, great commercial, just hope the growth occurs in a way that maintains the character of Crossfit that brought most of us here.

  2. From a Facebook post “Women of Crossfit = Strong”
    Good Morning Ladies, as I start my Monday morning, I have been thinking and maybe some of you have also. As I watched the news feeds fill up last night and days before about how big CF is getting and seeing the Reebox commercials, I am wondering if the “fame” of CF is getting “too big” and some will loose sight of what CF is all about!?
    I can speak 1st hand on what a difference it has had in jus…t 1 year, the people are changing. Like any sport the fame will go to people’s heads, and with the way that CF was started and has been over the years, it is been taught and shared that this sport is about each other, not just ourselves, what we can accomplish with the help of others pushing us through things we never thought possible.
    I hope this sport doesn’t forget that, because it is the reason so many people’s lives have changed and continue to do so. We must never forget that no matter how far we are in the CF world, how much we have or have not accomplished yet..YOU ALL still matter! Remember why you started CF in the first place, why you chose your particular goals. (It may help to reassess your goals and make new ones; as time passes, your motivations may change.) Most important, remember how your past successes made you feel: healthy, strong, independent, and empowered!!!! ~Meg

  3. Gosh I was thinking 20 rounds of Cindy was something. Ah well.

  4. When does the Prebok commercial air with pick-up trucks driving to the good ol’ ranch in Aromas. Miss those days.

  5. I like the Rebok commercial, but I think this video is more what CF is about:

  6. Jeff, I sure hope it doesn’t go that way.

  7. Matt P: agreed. great video.
    When I was at Sac City, I took an assembly language class. If you don’t know what that is don’t worry. Hardly anybody does. Suffice it to say it’s exacting, and tedious — lots and lots and lots of typing with strict formating. So there was this guy that only had the use of his neck and head muscles. He typed with a rod attached to his head. One keystroke at a time. It took him a very, very very long time. But as far as I know he never gave up. I hope he found success. He earned it.

  8. Justin: it will go whatever way you want it to go. It’s your gym. As for me, I just can’t believe I can’t do better at Cindy. Next Sunday for sure. Cheers.

  9. Brian

    MattP- Peter met with Chris Michelmore and I and we helped put together his swim curriculum for his PE class. He has totally turned around what PE should be. He has done a great job at Saratoga High.

  10. Roger

    pretty much any video off youtube (and there are hundreds if not thousands of them) is better than that Reebok commercial. Here is one: