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Announcing Nutrition/WOD Accountability Program

For those of you who are ready to go even farther beyond what you ever thought possible, we are starting an 8 week Nutrition/WOD Accountability Program.  Program starts Monday March 2nd at 6:30 PM, immediately following the evening class.  We meet every other Monday night until the Nor Cal Qualies.  We are going to load you up with nutrition guidelines, and let you decide how many days a week you are going to be accountable for strict nutrition and WODs.  You will decide weather you want to go on a 3 day on/1 day off  WOD cycle, do a 2 day on/1 day off – 3 day on/1 day off cycle, or workout 5 days on and 2 days off.  Whatever you decide you, will go online to answer a daily questioneer about your workout and eating habits.  Your results will be publicly posted to keep you on the straight and narrow.  We are looking to get our athletes to a competitive level for the Qualifier as well as getting the rest of you the overall results that you are working so hard to achieve.  Get fired up and get involved, its not going to be fun, but it has the potential to be an amazing fitness experience.  Travis and I will be going through all of this with you.  If you want to sign up we will have a section of the white board dedicated to the program, were you can sign up and results will be posted.  Cost is $40 per person, prize is less body fat and significantly improved WOD performance.

“Death By Diane”
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Deadlift 275/185, or 70% of 1 Rep Max
5 Handstand Push Ups


As you all know, Anne Harty is DIE HARD!  Here we have just another example of this, L-Sit on the bars in line at Disneyland.  You know you’re brainwashed you when you look at hand rails and see parallel bars.  We encourage all of you to send in CrossFit on the road pictures, we love this stuff.  WaaaaaaaHoooooo!!!!  Anyone out there know the name of the Disney attraction they are standing in line for?

Check out this 2008 CrossFit Games highlight video from CrossFit by Overload.  Found it on CrossFit One World‘s blog.  This gets me fired up for the Qualies.

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