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Masters Round 2 is Underway

In 12 Minutes Find 1 RM Push Jerk

For Time:
30 Man Makers

1 Man Maker =
DBs to floor
Thrust legs back into push up pos.
Strict Push Up
DB Row Left
DB Row Right
Jump Feet in
DB Power Clean
DB Push Press

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 7.26.01 PMHere are the workouts, and my 2 cents.

You have until Monday at 5PM to perform all WODs on film and submit them.  I would pretty much do these workouts in the order listed.  Last night would have been the ideal time to do the clean and the Amanda.  But since most of you didn’t do that, moving right along.

Get lose and do the max clean this morning followed by Amanda.  On Saturday, do the 50 cal row HSPU DU triplet and save the pull up wall ball for Sunday or Monday morning.  Monday will give your arms the most time to recover from Amanda.

It is unlikely that your legs will recover from Amanda, and rowing in enough time to make a legitimate second attempt at the cleans on Saturday or Sunday, but if you rest Sunday, repeating the clean on Monday before the pull up/wall ball couplet would be a good warmup mobility wise to get real loose for wall balls.

Masters over 50 get a break on having to squat snatch the weights, which they should only use if fatigue creates a situation where missing lifts is likely.  In that case, go for power snatch + overhead squat.  If you are doing this one for completion, and the snatches or the muscle ups (or C2B’s 55+) are very challenging, take your time and make sure you finish each rep with the least amount of misses possible.  Completion of the WOD will beat every DNF, so if completion is a question, go very slowly and get it right.

For Event 3, be conservative on your row pace.  The WOD will be won by the people who are consistent on HSPU and Double Unders, not by the all out rowers.  If you can get strict HSPU, do them strict for as long as you can, using the 2″ or 4″ AbMat advantage to it’s fullest advantage.  If you kip the HSPU, you will sink into the AbMat and the range of motion will be much greater.  Strict until you start to run out, then kip till you’re done.

For the last workout, do the pull ups in short sets with short breaks.  Get the boxes and bar height set up just right so you can stretch out your kips, but also not need to climb far to get back to the bar.  You’ll also want to be able to set up your grip just so to avoid tearing your hands, do not jump to the bar as you will get pinchy stuff and tears much easier.  Lowest bar you can use without kicking the floor.  Do not try to be a hero on the first few sets.  As for wall balls break them up into 8’s or 10s and time your breaks to keep minimum 8 rep sets.  Do not let yourself get gassed to the point of 3-5 rep sets or you will accumulate way too much rest time.

Good luck to you all.  Will see a bunch of you in here this morning at 8!

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