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Squat 5-5-5-5-5-15

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Alt DB Snatch Heavy
10 Sit Ups
10 Big Box Jumps

Rx+ = 70/45 DB, Toes to Bar, and 36/30″ Box Jump

We recently decided to start celebrating a member of the month each month here at CFES.  The member of the month will be chosen based on their contributions to the community aspect of the gym each month, and will be given on month free dues!

Congratulations to Carol Penney for being nominated as our first member of the month.  Carol was a brand new personal training client of mine when I was fired from Arden Hills over 5 years ago.  She came with me to train at Lean on Me while I was in transition to opening CFES.  So Carol was actually one of the first people to ever step foot in our building and do a workout.

Over the years Carol has been highly inspirational as a nearly 100# weight loss client and just an awesome all around person.  She shows up like clockwork and probably has logged more workouts here than even Travis or myself.  She is always encouraging to others and always does her part to make CFES a special place.  Carol can be seen most days after her class is done walking around the gym cleaning and organizing, which we appreciate more than we can tell her.

Carol means so much to all of us here, but the main reason she came right to mind is all of the things above plus the fact that she threw a 1st class party last month for another beloved member who was moving away, Denise Roby.  The community is what makes the gym special and Carol’s contributions are both numerous and highly valued.

Thank you for being such an awesome member of our box.

Here are a few questions we asked Carol to answer for her member of the month post:

What brought you to CrossFit East Sac?
I came to CrossFit because I had just started training with Justin at Arden Hills and then he told me he was leaving to open his own gym.  Silly me, I followed him.  It would have been the perfect time to bail.  So glad I didn’t, it was a life changing decision.

Why do you stay here?
I stay at CrossFit East Sac because I feel at home here.  I love the coaches, the program and the diversity of the membership and the sense of community that has been created.

What is your most memorable CrossFit moment?
I have two memorable CrossFit moments.  One was my first unassisted pull-up and then when Justin proposed to Loren in front of everybody.  Just did not see that coming.

What is your favorite lift? Why?
My favorite lift is the Power Clean or the Hang Power Clean because there are so many steps that it is gratifying to put all of them together and end in a successful lift.

What is your favorite WOD? Why?
I don’t have a favorite WOD, but I like WODS with 4 or 5 rounds and a variety of movements I can do without stopping and that put me on the floor when I am done.

What is your favorite hobby outside of CrossFit?
Outside of CrossFit I like to work in the yard and around the house.  We have lived in our home for 27 years and I finally have it how I want it.  With the kids gone, it stays that way, with the exception of our grandpuppy, Groover, who likes to get in the pool then shake on the windows or put his wet drippy nose on the windows.

Tell us 5 things we don’t already know about you?
– I was born in Long Beach, CA, one month prior to Dwight D. Eisenhower becoming the 34th President.
– My favorite television show is “Deadliest Catch”.
– Our first two children were our Lhasa Apsos who lived to be 17 years old.  Their names were Copper and Lincoln.  Get it?
– I used to drive a Volkwagen Vanagon.
– I hate fish.  I can’t stand the smell.   Pat cooked brussel sprouts tonight, talk about smell.

What advice would you tell your younger self?
I could write a book about what advice I would tell my younger self.    I always share with young moms that you have to make time for yourself to workout.   I made a full time job out of  volunteering and I wasn’t just a worker bee, I was often in charge.    I made sure I didn’t have time to work out, eat right or get enough sleep.   You can work in the classroom or drive on a field trip for your kids, but you don’t have to be President of PTA or Chairman of a fundraiser.  Keep it simple, keep it balanced, keep it fun.

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